Chapter 3 The Sunset

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Soon enough the bell rang, and the teacher Finally said...

"Class dismissed!"

The lesson ended...
And that's how it went all day, before the last bell rang to almost everyone's favourite part of school....


Tommy and tubbo sat together, again, as usual. Ranboo joined too, they were friends now after all, well- at some point.

"Ew- what the heck is this-" tommy said annoyed.

"I'm pretty sure that's called 'Soup' tommy-" Ranboo said mocking him.

"you don't have to remind that to me-" "it's just that- it doesn't look like one TO ME-" Tommy said looking at the soup.

Tubbo couldn't help but giggle to their little fight over a soup. It was terrible, as usually- but, he didn't really care. He found his friends fight funny.

"AND WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT HUH!?!?" Both of them said in sync.

"Huh?" Tommy and Ranboo looked at each other.

Tubbo started to loose it at this point. It was too funny.
After the lunch. And a free period with another two more lessons of learning.

It was finally over.
Our trio the whole time did silly things in the lessons to make the time fly by.

It was FINALLY OVER and they could go home now.

"UGH FINALLY!!!" Tommy stepped out of the school.

"I know right??? School is hell-" Tubbo said.

"What's up with you hating school so much guys-???" Ranboo said

"You don't understand our pain Ranboo-" Tommy said.

"Oh okay- xd" Ranboo said with a laughter.
After a while of talking Tommy afforded Tubbo if he doesn't want to walk home with him.
Eventually, for the first time in months, Tubbo refused Tommy's offer.

"Sorry tommy- maybe tomorrow-?" I wanna talk to Ranboo first-" Tubbo said.

"Oh....-" "okay-?" "Sure- bye then- i guess-" Tommy said...

And with the words left.
"Does it still hurt -???" Tubbo said filled with worried tone in his voice.

"Eh? What-??" Ranboo answered confusingly.

"Your shoulder, remember?"

"I accidentally pushed you into your locker today-"

"Oh- OH-!" Ranboo realized.

"OW, OW- OH NO-!!"

He took his shoulder dramatically, pretending that it hurts.

"OH GOD NO- I'M DYING!! SOMEONE HELP MEE" He said laughing.

"Not funny-" tubbo said annoyed.

"I just wanted to make sure it's okay now-"

He said with a smile,
the rays of the setting sun shining on his face, highlighting his smile and his hair looking like a ball of fresh cotton candy.

Ranboo couldn't help but smile at the gorgeous boy standing in front of him.

"I think we'll be good friends tubbo"
He said smiling.

He turned around.

"My shoulder was fine before math started you don't have to be worried about that" He smiled at the small boy.

He waved at him.

"See you tomorrow!" He said, smiling like as he'd never smile like that before.

"See you-!" tubbo said smiling, and waving back at him.

With the words. Both of the boys went their own paths to their homes in the setting sun.

We will be great friends... I thought to myself back then.

If i knew.... That the one i love would betray me like that....

I wish you were different... But i can't change things now.... Can i?

A/N: hope you enjoyed :3

-𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗- |Bee duo| Tubbo x RanbooWhere stories live. Discover now