chapter 16. The actual start...

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A/N: This is kinda cringe- but i like it-
Made: May 19th..

Tw: Overthinking/ Obsession thoughts
Cw: Mentions of Obsession
Let The Actual story begin :)

Tubbo went to the doctor's, as Ranboo was on the phone texting him.

Ranboo hacked into his Snapchat so he could see whatever he was doing.

It was supposed to be "just a prank" at first, but soon enough, He used it mostly to know if everything was... Okay with Tubbo.

Anytime Tubbo would open Snapchat, Ranboo saw what he was doing- well-
When He was on it too-
Which didn't happen too often
After the terrible day at school, without Tubbo in it.

Ranboo managed to survive the day.
He got changed from his school clothes and waited for Tubbo to arrive to his place.

And he did!

There was a knock on the door.
Ranboo opened up.

"Heya Tubs!" He said smiling, pulling him into a hug.

"Hi to you too Ranboo!" Tubbo chuckled.
They both sat down on the couch and played video games.

Ranboo sitting on the couch, while having Tubbo on his lap.
His head resting over his shoulders, while calmly playing the game.

"YES! I DID IT!!!" Tubbo said in excitement.

"OH GOD DANG IT!" Ranboo said back.

"I WAS SO CLOSE!!!" He added as he pretended to fake cry.

He actually let Tubbo win, because he knew after the 2nd round, that he hates when he looses.

"HA I WON! AGAIN!" Tubbo laughed.
Not being aware of the fact that Ranboo just LET him win for fun.

If Ranboo wouldn't move his head back.

He would most likely be punched into his face.

"Oh man- How are you so good at this???" Ranboo giggled.

"I'm just a Natural✨" he said, sparkling like millions of stars in the night sky.

"Ok" Ranboo giggled once more.
"I want cuddles-" Tubbo said suddenly.
"What??" Ranboo said with a smile.

"Can't i get cuddles from my homie?" He said.

"I mean-" Ranboo looked to the side, and then back at Tubbo.

"Sure you can" He smiled.

They both, now in their pyjamas, got Under the covers.

Ranboo held Tubbo tightly, but not enough to hurt him, nor to make him uncomfortable.

While Tubbo was laying on his chest.
Resting, and looking like a little adorable kitten.

|Tw/Cw warning! |

Ranboo looked at Tubbo in awe.
He has him, in his arms... But ...

He's not His.. yet ..

He Wanted for Tubbo to be his, and His only.

So he could walk up to anyone he wanted.... Just to say that The adorable boy, who's laying on his chest is his and his only...
But he couldn't... Tubbo just isn't his...
These words were running through his mind, as his fingers were running through the smaller boy's hair.
He's not yours....
He never will be...

He's TOO good for you-

There was also a part in part in his brain, that was telling him the complete opposite....

NO ONE DESERVES HIM... Only You do...

He's yours.. and yours only ..

He just needs Time.
His mind was running like a carousel.

He couldn't think of anything else than Tubbo... The sweet boy resting on his chest...

How he wishes to plant so many kisses on his face..

To kiss these lips until he won't be able to breathe..
Until they'll start bleeding.

To kiss him untill both of their lungs collapse...

He can't kiss him yet...
Not as he would like...

(In obsession way- not sexual-)
He just thought about kissing and cuddling with Tubbo, as he fell asleep.

...And that's how it all went downhill...

Soon enough... They both would wake up the next morning.

-𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗- |Bee duo| Tubbo x RanbooWhere stories live. Discover now