#6 A phone call

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School ended. And both, Tubbo and Ranboo were preparing for the mall trip together in their homes.
Ranboo's apartment POV: (he's on a call with his mother.)

"Yes mom-" or "no mom" we're possibly the only two sentences that left ranboo's mouth the entire time.

"So- Tubbo huh?? What is he like?" His mother asked.

"Mother- i don't wanna talk about it-" Ranboo said.

"Oh come on dear, you know it's gonna happen soon and you won't be able to stop it." She said.

"I KNOW MOTHER-" "i Just-"

"You just what? Hm?" What are you gonna do?"

"Stop talking to him?" "It will come to the stage of- you know what-"

"Please Ranboo- i just want you to be safe.." his mother said, worried this time.

"Please....i just want to be his friend until everything changes...."

"Alright?" "I will keep him safe from that part of me...." Ranboo said determined.

"You just can't see it can you?" "It Already started..."

"Can't you see?"

"I just want you.... And the boy to be safe..."

"No one, in our family learned how to control it... And i doubt that you can..."
"Please...just .... Nevermind... I know how stubborn you are..."

"Just like your mother..." She said.

"Don't mention her... Please...." Ranboo said.

"Alright.... I won't... Don't worry tho'... I loved her more than you could ever imagine..." She said, remained silent for a little while.
"Well- have fun sweetie!"
"Love you!" She said

"Love you too!-" Ranboo replied, before he hung up the phone.
There was quiet... A little too quiet for Ranboo's ears... His apartment was so empty, yet so full.

It was filled with stuff, yet full of silence, it was killing him at this point.

*I'm gonna ask Tubbo of he doesn't want to come over sometime* He thought to himself.

He took his dark red hoodie and some black jeans, took his phone and keys with his wallet, and left the flat, On his way to Tubbo's house. (He gave him his address)

He took out his phone and texted tubbo.

"I'm on my way, wait for me at the door."

He hid his phone to his backpack and went to the bus stop.
A/N: Tubbo POV soon!

-𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗- |Bee duo| Tubbo x RanbooWhere stories live. Discover now