Chapter 12. Not so good day after all

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A/n: REMINDER! This chapter will include some Platonic Clingy duo angst.

Just to let y'all know :>
I apologize for the Angst in advance-.

I'll give you your Bee duo fluff in the end tho'-
Tubbo woke up from his dream.

He sat on the bed and thought about what he dreamed about.

It was a long, never ending day almost, or- that's how it felt like at least.
The most boring Sunday ever.

But finally, it was Monday again.
Tubbo got up, took a shower, grabbed some new clothes from the closet, did his everyday routine, and went in front of the house.

He saw his Aunt wake up, walking to the kitchen.

His cousin Clay was already at school.
He went to go to school early because of a project he has to do in one of his classes.
"Good morning Puffy! I'm going to school!" He said with a smile.

"Bye Tubbo, have a good day sweetie!"

She said, smiling back. She was still tired, but yet, she smiled, and that was enough for Tubbo.

He walked to school, just to see sad Tommy.
He said excitedly, hugging his friend.
He was glad Tommy was healthy again.

Eventually, he immediately noticed that Something was off.

"Hey Tubso" he said.... Calmly???

"Hey... What's up Toms?"

Tubbo was worried now.

"Oh- we have to talk." Tommy said.

"About what???" Tubbo was confused, he wanted to know what was wrong,

But at the same time he noticed Ranboo wasn't at school yet.

He was mainly confused.

"Well-" Tommy was looking at the floor, nervously playing with his fingers.

It was a sign of growing anxiety.
Tubbo knew Tommy had problems with stress, so he tried to calm him down a bit.

"Hey- hey-"
"go at your own pace, I won't force you to say something you don't want to-. "

He said in a reassuring voice, as he pat his shoulder.
(They're just homies y'all- don't take it in a weird way-)

"But i want to Tubs- just give me a sec." Tommy said, as he took a deep breath before speaking.

"My dad, and i had a talk..... And-"

"He told me i keep on overworking myself- and that is one the reasons, that keep on making me sick- apparently-" he said.

Tubbo understood that part, he just didn't know why was Tommy so sad about it.

"Is there a particular reason to be sad?"

"You're usually this down when things are HELLA SERIOUS-"

Tubbo said, not sounding like he cared, he did deep inside though.

Tommy said, still nervously playing with his fingers.

There was dead silence for a while, definitely not a comfortable one-.

It felt like if a storm was about to come, as if the sun just hid behind the clouds. Such a short moment that felt like an infinite.
Uncomfortable infinity... That no one liked.

"Dad remade my schedule, Just so I don't have that much work, so now we only have Art together. And, he can do whatever he wants, since he's the principal-..."

He said, his head looking at the floor.

"W- what?"

Tubbo couldn't believe it, He felt like his only friend who he knew for so long was slowly being taken away from him.

Even though he was still on the same school, He knew that seeing Tommy from now on would be difficult, as they would now have one object together, namely art.

And for the worst, they have Art only once. A week.

On Thursday, the day of "It" as the duo called it.
They had It, their favorite subject, on Thursday. Or, information technology

Tubbo was devastated by this news.

If your friend told you you'd only see each other on art, you wouldn't mind,

But he did.

He did mind.

A lot.
The boys just hugged each other in comfortable, yet painful silence.
They didn't wanna let go.
Eventually, they said their good byes and went their own way to their classes.
Tubbo was walking through the hall, as he saw a way too familiar figure, walking up the stairs,


*At least he's here....* Tubbo thought to himself with a smile.
Ranboo went up the stairs,
Tubbo with his arms wide open, signaling him to hug him, which he did.

"Hey tubs." He said, smiling at his smaller friend, who was hugging him tightly, his arms around his chest, as if his life depended on it.

"Hey, hey- is something wrong?"
He asked.

"Yeah, I have a sh!tty day today-"
Tubbo said, softly in a gentle tone in his voice, almost so quiet it was hard to hear...

"Oh- I'm sorry to hear that...." Ranboo said while petting Tubbo's back.
Ranboo soon enough let go of Tubbo.
And they both went to their class.


Welp- that's a wrap for this chapter :)

(Sorry it was short-)


Proud of my streamer :33💞

(Tommy is truly an Ally- /j)
Also- I truly apologize for not being active-

I had some problems i had to deal with, and i also didn't have any ideas for this chapter-

Hope you enjoyed <33
-Randomkid9874 🦋

-𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗- |Bee duo| Tubbo x RanbooWhere stories live. Discover now