#8 The mall trip

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A/n: Pretend this is good :3
Thank u TvT
ALSO- tysm for all the reads <33❤️
I really appreciate that ^^
I hope you're enjoying this so far-

Tubbo was exhausted from the day, so he eventually fell asleep, listening to music with Ranboo.

The bus took a turn, making sleeping tubbo fall/Lay on Ranboo's Shoulder

Ranboo didn't mind that, he didn't want to wake him up, because he knew how tired he was, so he just let him sleep ^^

He was looking out the window, nostalgic songs playing in the background of his headphones.
Ranboo saw buildings of a city, knowing they will have to get of the bus soon.

With a gentle sweet voice he said,

"Tubbo- wake up, we have to get to the mall"

Tubbo woke up from his little nap, realizing where he is.

"HUH!?" He blushed a bit, being embarrassed.

"I'm sorry- i must've fell on you when the bus took a turn or something-"

he said, slowly wanting to die inside of the embarrassment.

"It's Alright" Ranboo said smiling.

Both of the boys got of the bus.

"Oh wow-" Tubbo said, staring at the HUGE mall right in front of them,

"That's not a mall- THAT'S A MF- SHOPPING CENTRE-"

He said again. Pointing at the building with a funny tone of voice.

Ranboo giggled a bit, it was funny and sweet seeing angry tubbo.

"It's a mall, let's go inside now" Ranboo said again.

They visited a few shops, Tubbo pointing at Random stuff, saying it's names.


That's basically how it went for next 2 more hours.
Ranboo here! Ranboo there!
Tubbo basically screamed at this point being excited over every single little thing, like as if he'd never been in a mall before.
"Please! I will shut up of you'll get it for me! Pleaseeee 🥺" he said.

With Ranboo standing next to him,
Slowly loosing his sanity.

"Okay- okay- fine jeez-" Ranboo said, annoyed, yet laughing.
He got the plush, on his way to pay for it.


Ranboo was regretting his decision looking at the label of the plush.
"Well- i knew you wouldn't wanna buy it for me- so I never told you-" Tubbo said.

"And even if- you said YOU WERE GONNA PAY for EVERYTHING!" He said nearly getting into tantrum.

Ranboo sighed, while wishing the cashier a good day.
"I hate you so much sometimes-" Ranboo mumbled silently.

"HEY! I HEARD THAT!" Tubbo said.

As they were walking out of the mall. Having KFC.

(A/N: Don't judge me i like it 👀
They only had some fries and a milkshake tho')

"Well- that was fun!" Tubbo said.

"Yeah- accept for the part when you went to that security guy asking for a picture-" Ranboo said with a disappointed tone in his voice.

"It was FUNNY!"
"And he was also really sweet ^^"
"Sweet lad" he added.

"Heh- sure-"

Ranboo said smiling.
As they were both finishing their milkshakes, walking to the bus stop.
A/n: writing stuff in school is fun- lol-
Hope you enjoyed ^^
Also- don't worry ;)
You'll get ur RoMaNcE soon 😉💅

-𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗- |Bee duo| Tubbo x RanbooWhere stories live. Discover now