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Riley slowly opened her eyes as her eyes took in the dark interior of the plane. She looked at her watch and groaned, realizing that they were still airborne for another hour.

She looked to her left and saw Jack, sleeping peacefully with his head against the window. Thought started swirling around in the girl's mind.

She liked Jack. That much was clear. And yet- she was afraid. She never really got into relationships. They distracted her from her work. Sure she had crushes, but there was just something different about Jack.

As if sensing her thoughts, Jack slowly opened his eyes and settled on the girl who's eyebrows were furrowed in thought.

"You okay there Walsh?" She turned to him, and smiled a small smile. In that moment, Jack felt his heart stop. She was so beautiful. But not only that, she was one of the strongest and kindest girls he had ever met. If only she knew.

"Yeah. I'm good. Just thinking is all." He soon matched her expression. "Thinking about what?" She looked over at him and smiled.

"Nothing. Just excited for what's next ya know?" He smiled at me. "Yeah I know what you mean. What are you doing after the games?" I pondered his question for a bit. I hadn't really made any big decisions yet.

"You know, I haven't decided. As soon as Doc offered me the job, I just jumped on it. I'll probably end up in grad school, I'm just not sure where yet. Day by day, I suppose. What about you?" He was such a good listener- very attentive.

"I got drafted by Chicago a few years back so I'll end up there." I raised my eyebrow at him. "You're leaving Boston?" He swallowed a lump in his throat and then looked at me. "Yeah I guess I am. I had to leave eventually- growing up in Charlestown and then staying at the U- best first 22 years, but I'm a bit ready for something new. You know?" I thought on it. He brought up a good point. I looked at him and smiled. "Well, you're going to do great, no matter where you go." He grinned at me.

We spent the rest of the plane ride talking, and sharing stories from the glory days at the U, and growing up in two different parts of Boston.

The longer we talked, the fonder I grew of the seemingly tough guy from the other side of the river.

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