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I crashed last night.

Now, almost 11 hours later, my alarm went off at 6:00 in the morning. I groaned, rolling out of bed. Today was the day. The day of tryouts.

I walked (crawled) over to my bag and picked out a pair of leggings and a BU crew neck. I threw on my clothes and decided to leave my dark hair down. I slipped on my knee brace before slipping on my running shoes and grabbed my wallet and the key to my hotel room, and then slung the duffel bag that had my medical equipment in it. I did a once over to make sure I had everything before heading down to the lobby.

Once there, I hailed a cabbie and told him to go to the rink. This guy was a different driver. White hair crowned his head and he had a kind smile. "Here ya go Miss! Have a nice day." I smiled and thanked him before handing him a 20.

I turned and walked inside the building to be greeted by hundreds of hopefuls. I looked around for the hallway I walked down yesterday, my eyes met the eyes of a very old friend.

"Rizzo! How are you?" I ran over and engulfed my long time friend in a gigantic hug. His large arms encircled me and smiled, happy to be with my friend again.

He laughed, gripping me tighter before saying, "I'm doing pretty good, Ri! You almost done working with the Doc? I heard there is a FIFA World Cup coming up?" I smiled. He remembered.

I pulled back from our embrace, my smiled still wide across my face. "I was supposed to graduate in May- but since I have this gig, I'm not sure it's gonna happen." He looked at me, a question clear in his eyes. "Doc got asked to be the team trainer- which means I need to come with him or else I loose all of my credit hours, which would delay graduation further!" He laughed at me, telling me that I'll be fine, yada yada yada.

Just then, I heard "Rizzo! How are you, ya fool?" In a voice that I've only heard once. Rizzo turned away from me, before going to greet the one and only Jack O'Callahan.

I smiled at their exchange, before walking over and taping Rizzo on the shoulder. "I should go get the room set up- you know how Doc is." Rizzo turned around and smiled at me. I peeked over his shoulder and smiled at Jack. "Nice to see you again, Jack." He grinned at me. "It's great to see you, Riley."

I smiled one more time before making my way towards the training room. The Doc said that the drills Herb had laid out were pretty tough, so get ready for a lot of really pissed off hockey players.

Once I got to the room, I threw my bag on the floor and got to work prepping the beds. I made sure that they were sterilized before throwing a white sheet over the three beds, and made sure that everything was in arms reach. I had done my job well the night before.

Looking at my watch, I realized that it was almost time for tryouts to start. There was nothing else to do, so I decided to go out with the Doc and the assistant coach, Coach Craig.

I stayed right on the outskirts of the barrier, as the entire idea of ice (even if it's only a few centimeters thick), scares me. I couldn't bring myself to step foot on the ice after the... incident.

I snapped myself out of my almost flashback and turned my attention back to the tryouts. I noticed a certain Boston University graduate staring at me, and he smirked once he saw that I had noticed him. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't keep from thinking that dumb smirk was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life... wait what?

I couldn't possibly have a crush on Jack O'Callahan could I? I mean, he is very good looking and an insufferable asshole... but he's not that bad. Anyways, I didn't even know him very well! He might even have a girlfriend- or even a wife. I think it's best to just stay friends with him.

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