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After the names were called, I made my way back into the training room to get everything cleaned up. We had some pretty nasty injuries today- lots of blood. But I guess that's hockey.

Once there, I immediately set to work with cleaning out the blood from the floor. I know that there is a janitorial staff, but I've already been exposed to this blood, and I didn't want to rush anyone getting sick. After the blood was all cleaned up, I started tossing stuff back inside of my duffle bag.

I didn't even notice the door opening and someone entering the room until I heard a throat being cleared. I looked up to see none other than Jack O'Callahan looking down on me.

"So, Walsh, looks like we'll be spending some more time together." I smiled at him. "Hopefully not too much time- I don't want to see your face in here." He laughed at that. "You and me both." We then elapsed into silence.

"So, uh, some of the guys from the U were thinking about going out tonight to do that test Brooks gave us. You wanna join, even though you don't have to take a test?" I was shocked. Was he asking me out? No, no. He's just being polite. Besides what was I going to do- go back to the hotel and pass out?

"Yeah sure, I'd love that. When are we leaving?" He smiled at me. "We were just about to leave actually. Do you need help with anything else in here?" I looked around, making sure that all of my equipment was zipped up or put in it's proper place. Once satisfied, I turned my icy blue eyes back to his.

"I think I should be good. Let's get out of here." He offered me his hand, and I gratefully took it as he pulled me off the ground. Once I was on my feet, he began to lead me towards the door- only his hand didn't leave mine. I raised an eyebrow but didn't question it.

We reached the front of the building to see Rizzo, Silky, and a guy named Ralph Cox. I gave Rizzo a hug and politely introduced myself to Silky and Cox. We then started walking down the street.


I forgot to put my knee brace on. Even though I had it in my bag, I didn't want to make a big deal about anything. So I toughened it out. Gosh, Doctor Jacobsen is gonna kill me when I go in for my check up.

After about a block and half, my knee started to hurt and I started to lag behind. I tried to keep up, but it was getting harder and harder. I can't wait for the day when they are able to actually fix torn ligaments. Maybe then I'll finally be normal again. Or maybe I'll just get a robotic knee. That would be pretty sick.

Jack had started to notice that I was lagging behind, so he soon dropped back to join me. He looked at me worriedly and grabbed my hand. We walked in silence for a few moments before he spoke, "Is it your knee?" I was taken aback. He knew? How did he know? I thought no one looked at women's athletics, much less the art of futbol.

I only nodded, the pain reaching new levels. He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. "You can lean on me. I don't mind." I could feel my face turn red before I leaned into him. Almost at once, the pain in my knee became significantly less and I was able to have a conversation with the boy next to me.

I soon learned that he was from Charleston, and how he wanted to play for Chicago one day- but for now he just wants to kick some Russian ass.

"My mom loves Ireland. I've never been myself, but I would love to go someday. We still have lots of family there that I haven't met. What about you?" I knew he was Irish. Totally could've told you that just from his name. My mother would be trying to marry me off to him right now if she were here.

"My mom and dad actually moved to America from Ireland before I was born. Dad wanted a new start, I guess, and mom wanted to open a bakery but she couldn't do that back in Dublin. I've been back quite a few times." He looked at me, a bit shocked. "But you were born here in America?" I smiled and nodded my head. "Born and raised in Lenox. My older brother Charlie lives in North Adams now. He's engaged to a nice Irish girl from Boston. My mom is so happy about that." He laughed quietly. "Yeah, my mom wants me to find a nice Irish girl to marry, as well."

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