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I got off of the plane, rubbing my eyes. Of course, Doc had to pick the earliest flight he could find. I had to be at the airport at 7:00 in the morning!

I just can't wait to go to the hotel and just crash. But I had to get to the rink to set up stupid equipment.

Doc said everything we would need would be there already, so I didn't bother to bring anything else with me besides clothes, shampoo, my toothbrush, my cleats...

Honestly, I don't know why I brought them. Every time I look at them I cry because of what could have been. I should be playing professional soccer now- but that was taken from me.

I shake myself from my thoughts as I head towards a cabbie that was waiting for someone to hop in.

I jump in before turning to the driver- a scrawny looking guy who couldn't be older than 35- and told him where to go. He glanced at me in the mirror before reversing the car and heading into traffic.

I was in totally awe of the mountains. Sure, I had seen mountains before- but none like this. Pikes Peak stood tall and proud with the smaller mountains standing around it.

I used to live hiking. But oh wait- my stupid ACL didn't heal right. It'll lock up if I do too much. And that includes hiking.

I learned that the hard way. I went hiking with Emily last summer around the 4th of July. As we began our decent, my knee locked up. Took a pretty bad fall and ended up on bed rest for a month!

So, yeah. Hiking isn't really an option.

We finally reached the rink, and I paid the driver before grabbing my luggage and hoping out. I just decided to bring my stuff with me, that was I could just lay down on my bed and sleep for a while without having to get up to do anything.

I walk into the small lobby area at the front of the building. No one is there- it's probably their lunch break (it is almost noon after all).

I locate a small hallway and follow it until I reach a door that says TRAINER in big large letters.

The door was unlocked, so I step inside and turn on the light before discarding my bags by the door. I quickly set to work, the idea of sleep always in the back of my mind.

As I'm getting out the tubes for ice baths, I hear another door open. Confused, I look to my watch to see that it's now almost 3. I've been here for that long? Wow. Time flies when you wanna sleep.

Suddenly, an idea hits me. Maybe I could just put on my cleats again. Just once. Then maybe I can bring myself to throw them out.

Carefully, I make my way to my bag. I unzip the side pocket and slip out the beautiful leather cleats.

I unlace them before gently sliding my feet into them. I tie them back up and get up, remembering what it felt like to be a soccer player. Oh, how I missed the game.

Sighing, I begin to take them off, but am interrupted by a frustrated yell. I quickly slip off my cleats and put my sneakers back on before quietly walking out onto the ice.

There, I see a guy dressed head to toe in hockey gear with a few pucks in arms reach. He must be trying to learn something new. I could just barely see the blonde hair peeking out from underneath his helmet. He was completely focused on one thing- the goal.

She watched how he glided over the ice like it was effortless. All of his movements were so smooth and precise. And you could tell with every shift of his body, and every turn of the hockey stick that he was born to play hockey. There was no other place that he was supposed to be but right here, on the ice.

I snapped out my trance and hastily looked away. I hadn't been on ice since the incident- and yet I wanted to meet the stranger so bad. There was just something about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I cleared my throat, causing him to look over at me. My blue eyes met his brown ones and I felt my cheeks heat up. He skated his way over to me, while I stood on the entrance to the rink.

"Hey, there. I don't think I know you. Should I?" He flirted. I smirked at him. His accent was cute. Bostonian. Instead of answering his question, I simply said, "You here for the tryouts tomorrow?" He smirked, nodding his head.

"Jack O'Callahan." He held out his hand. "No way. You're Jack O'Callahan?" I smirked, taking his warm hand in mine. He raises an eyebrow at me. "You know who I am?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm in my last year at BU. I'm apprenticing with the Doc. That's why I'm here." He snapped his fingers. "Riley Walsh, right?" Now I was confused. How did he know about me?

"You're a bit of legend in Mass. Not to mention my friend Rizzo talked about you for a while." Ah. That explains it. Rizzo.

"Is he gonna be here? I haven't seen that kid in ages!" He smirked. "Yeah, he'll be coming in sometime in the next few hours. So, I take it the Doc is here, as well?" I smiled. "Yeah, he won't be in till tomorrow. Asked me to set somethings up tonight." He nodded his head.

"Well, it was amazing talking with you, but I am exhausted and should be getting back to my hotel. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" He smiled at me. "Yeah. I'll see ya later Walsh."

"See ya later O'Callahan."

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