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The flight went by fast- too fast. As we landed, Jack grinned goofily at me. "What?" His smile grew. "You've got drool on your chin." Embarrassed, I went to wipe it off but Jack had already beaten me to it.

His rough yet gentle hands moved across my chin, gently removing any sign of my former embarrassment. "All better." He grinned at me. Flustered, I smiled back up at him. "Thanks Jack."

We got off of the plane and walked to grab our luggage. Once we both had our bags, we stood waiting for our families.

"So, uh, Walsh. I've been meaning to ask yo-" Jack was cut off by a voice I hadn't heard in months.

"Riley!" I turned around and was greeted by my mass of brother, Alex. "Al. You're crushing me." He hastily let go of me before I was pulled in my other brother, Charlie. "It's good to see you sis." I smiled at both of my crazy red headed brothers before turning toward Jack who was looking at us. "Guys, this is Jack O'Callahan. Jack played hockey at the U and is now a player on the national team. We've gotten to be good friends."

Alex took a step forward, his red beard flaring. He turned back to look at me grinning. "Damn Ri, you're brave bringing him home. Mum's gonna want to marry you off." My cheeks burned red. "Shut up Al. Say- where's my nieces? I expected them to be here." He scratched his neck sheepishly. "They're with mum. Eating haggis." I gagged. "She did not." He looked at me, his green eyes full of terror. "It's a tradition, Ri."

Jack looked at me. "Haggis? Really?" I shuddered. I was glad I didn't have to explain to him the horrors of eating a sheep's stomach- he already knows. "Mum makes it whenever one of us comes home. Ava and Kate- Al's girls- love it. So that means we eat it all the time." He coughed to cover his laugh. "Well, they all sound lovely."

"Jack! Congratulations love!" I turned around to find a short blonde woman coming over. "Oh! I'm so excited! We've already booked hotels so we can come watch oh- Jack you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" The woman who I assumed was Jack's mother said. Charlie started laughing and I swiftly elbowed him in the ribs, causing a satisfying huff to leave his lips.

Jack seemed even more flustered than when he met my crazy brothers. "Mom- she's not my girlfriend. This is Riley Walsh- she's one of the team's trainers and went the U." Mrs. O'Callahan looked up at me and smiled. "You are very beautiful dear. I trust you'll take good care of my son." I awkwardly laughed as I thanked her.

"Okay, Ri we gotta get back to the shop. Mum's gonna freak if we don't get home soon." I turned to Jack to see my own sadness reflected in his eyes.

"I guess this is it for now Walsh." Jack said, adjusting his bag. I reached up and wrapped him in a short hug. "I'll see you in a weak O'Callahan. Don't go breaking too many bones for me fix up for you." I winked at him. He grinned. "No promises."

I turned away, and started following my brothers outside to where the car was parked. I turned back around to see Jack already looking at me. I smiled as I turned back around, his smile imprinted in my mind.

The drive home was lovely- just like when we were kids. We bantered, we laughed, we talked trash- and it was then they I realized how much I missed my idiots of brothers.

As we pulled up to the brick bakery, I smiled as I saw two red heads pop their heads out the door. Soon enough, I was attacked by my two nieces. "Aunty Riley! We've missed you so much!" Ava screamed as she jumped onto me. Kate hugged my legs as I started laughing. "My girls! Oh I've missed you so much! Have you been giving your dad a hard time?" They both said yes causing me to grin. "Good job. Someone's gotta keep them in line."

Just then the door opened and out walked Emily, Alex's wife, and a short blonde woman that I recognized as my mother. My face broke out in a grin. "Mum!" I gently peeled off the arms of my nieces before going over and crushing my mother in a hug. At 5 foot 2 you wouldn't expect the fiery attitude that I've always loved about my mother. "Riley! Oh honey I've missed you! How's school? Is there a boy? Oh I'm so glad you're home! Let's go in and chat over dinner. I made haggis! Oh don't give me that look, I slaved for hours over the stove!" I laughed as my mother rambled on and on.

As Ava took my left hand and Kate took my right, I couldn't help but wish that Jack was here with me.

A short one but the next few chapters are gonna be INTENSE.
Anyways, I watched Miracle again last night and it seems that every time I watch it I fall in love with the story a little more.
Anyways, I don't know when I'll be able to update but you guys know how I never update regularly (that's my bad) but I'll try my hardest!
Thank you for taking the time to read my story- it really means a lot to me! Don't forget the vote, comment and follow me!
With absolute love,
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