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chapter one:

The School Uniforms

"Mom I have genuinely never wanted to go out in public naked until I put on this atrocious school uniform," Liliana complained in a tired voice as she grabbed a fresh blueberry scone off of the tray in her mother's hands. Her uniform — the one which she detested with every fiber of her being — consisted of a white t-shirt with a dark green vest layered on top followed by a beige and green plaid skirt. She would have traded out the vest and t-shirt combo with a white dress shirt and green blazer jacket but, unfortunately, her mother was currently tailoring the blazer and refused to hand it over to Lia until she finished. Lia thought she looked more like she was wearing a child's Sunday school play clothes rather than a school uniform for a supposedly prestigious school.

Her mother eventually shooed her out the door as complaints and excuses continuously fell out of Lia's mouth in both Japanese and Spanish. Those excuses were met with a large sigh from her mother. Lia's attempts to stay home were stopped after the front door of her house was slammed shut in her face.

"Well that wasn't very nice," she mumbled as she angrily bit the scone in her hand, " could I at least go get my bag please?" The door cracked open the smallest amount and a perfectly manicured hand tossed out her school tote bag. "Thank you?" she stated, groaning as she reluctantly made her way to the car with her half eaten scone and tote in hand as she embarked on her way to Köcher High School for her first day.

When she arrived Lia felt more annoyed than she did at home. What exactly cause her to feel this irritated? As she parked her car she noticed a group of girls yelling and cheering in a herd by what she assumed to be the front entrance of the school building. Being the curious girl that she is, Lia stood on her tiptoes and squinted her eyes in hopes of getting a better look at whatever the hell was so interesting that resulted in the ear deafening screams from the girls. That was when she noticed two boys —who admittedly were certainly nice to look at — standing in the middle of the chaos. It wasn't the fact that there were handsome boys that caused her to be annoyed or the fact that they clearly seemed like players as she watched them blatantly flirt back with all of the girls, it was the fact that the two boys weren't wearing the ridiculously hideous uniforms and were instead wearing designer from head to toe.

Lia's mouth dropped as she scanned the population of students and noticed that everyone else seemed to follow the school dress code minus those two. "Why the hell do they get to wear normal clothes?" she grumbled before slamming the car door and slinging the school bag over her shoulder. Lia sighed and headed towards the dreaded crowd of girls and the two attractive boys since they seemed to be stationed in front of the main doors of the school. She pulled down her Chanel sunglasses until they sat comfortably on the bridge of her nose whilst her Prada loafers made a confident rhythm as she walked across the parking lot.

It wasn't a weird thing for Liliana to receive the attention of everyone around her. Everyone usually turned their heads whenever they caught a glimpse of her, even more so when they learned of her family name. So when she got close enough to the crowd and all eyes fell upon her gorgeous frame she wasn't fazed at all. In fact, she seemed to be dismissing all of the stares from the onlookers and focused primarily on getting to the office to receive her class schedule. Some of the girls that were already at the scene began complimenting her smooth hair and the pearl-like color of her nails whilst trying to become her friend in some way or another. Other girls looked at her with in envy as they sized her up, trying to figure out whether their families were richer than hers. A couple guys that were all the way across the courtyard caught a glance at her beauty and rushed to her side as they began offering to carry her bag or even show her around the school. The two handsome boys that Liliana originally spotted seemed to have a different reaction to the rest of their classmates.

Kavin and MJ were completely dumbfounded. Never in their lives had they ever had the attention taken away from them before. Minus from when Thyme and Ren were around of course but even then they still received attention. But somehow this completely new stranger had managed to coerce the entire student population to focus on her simply by walking. Kavin and MJ's eyes followed the girl as she approached them. It would take an idiot to not realize that the girl in front of them was nothing less than beautiful, that's for sure, and Kavin and MJ were not idiotic enough to deny her good looks. Her hair felt perfectly on her shoulders, her cheeks were lightly dusted with blush, her nude pink lips maintained a playful smile and her nose perfectly complimented the rest of her facial features. Typically the two boys would be rushing to charm the girl but something about the entire situation felt off. Something about the way she composed herself gave the impression that she wasn't from some small family that owned a couple buildings. Or perhaps she was just overconfident.

Liliana stopped in front of the two and gave them a tiny smile as she lifted her sunglasses to sit on top of her head. A small smirk appeared on both of their faces, they believed that Liliana had fallen for them just like any other girl. Of course the girl in front of them wasn't as grand as they had thought! She must simply be overconfident. Nothing more nothing less.

Before they could utter a word she spoke, "Could you please move? You're blocking the door." Kavin blinked in confusion. What did she just say to them? Lia blinked as she made an uncomfortable amount of eye contact with the boy before she eventually seemed to realize the confused stares she was receiving was because she had spoken in German.

"Ah, sorry I forgot that I'm not in Switzerland anymore, I asked if you could please move since you're blocking the doors," she restated in Thai. MJ nodded and moved to the side allowing her to pass through. "By the way your jacket doesn't match your shoes," she stated as she walked passed them, "if you're going to break the dress code shouldn't you at least show the smallest amount of fashion taste?"

Kavin met eyes with MJ as the girl winked as she placed her glasses back on and walked off to her class. They both looked at the jacket MJ had in hand which happened to be the animal pattern jacket that Thyme loved oh so dearly. The only reason why MJ even had it in his possession was because he brought it to school with him was because Thyme kept forgetting it at MJ's house. 

"Who the fuck was that?" mumbled the confused boy.

—— a/n ——

(2021: first time writing)

hello friends! :]

little intro time! My name is Soul, I'm 18 years old and this is my first fan fiction (yay). I'm graduating this year and going to college in September/August. I play the piano and do art in my free time or watch dramas.

hope you enjoy this book!

anyone here a second time reader? comment here, i'm curious <3 

(2023... almost 2024)

hello again friends!

I'm currently editing/rewriting some of this book in order to fix some plot holes. I thought I would give a small little update on my introduction. My name is still Soul (clearly) and I'm now 19 years old! I will be turning 20 in one month and I'm terrified yet excited. I am now in my second year in college and I no longer really play piano or do art but I still watch dramas! Now my hobbies are playing games on steam with my friends and spending too much time on twitter :)

I hope you enjoy this book! Sincerely, SickofSoul

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