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chapter nineteen:

Hana Malakarn

The music began to drown out as the sound of heels clicking across the club floor became louder and louder every second. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. It was almost as if the entire nightlife stopped as the mysterious figure walked across the club. A loud crunch echoed in the room as she stepped on the broken glass from the cup that Thyme had thrown earlier that night with her black heels.

MJ was intrigued by the figure. Not in a romantic way or anything but she was the only one wearing red whilst everyone else in the club opted for black or white attire. He studied the girls face closer. Who could have sworn that he had seen her before but who was she? MJ racked his brain to try to match a name to her face. Could she perhaps be someone he or Kavin had hooked up with? Or was she someone that came from a wealthy family in high society? After a couple minutes her face finally clicked in his memory.


In dimly lit hotel room laid Thyme. He was completely out of it courtesy of Hana who had drugged one of his drinks earlier that night. Hana herself was havering over the sleeping boy on the bed. She leaned forward to press a kiss against his lips but was stopped when he muttered something. "Lia," Thyme muttered in his sleep. Hana was furious. It wasn't her name that she muttered but that good for nothing bimbo that pranced into school and took everything from her. Thyme was supposed to be Hana's. The boys of F4 were supposed to be her friend not Liliana's. And all of a sudden Liliana shows up with a hot new Italian transfer student who hangs on her every word? Lia stole everything from her.

Hana was beginning to see red. She had to prove that she was the one that would win the war NOT Liliana Nakamura.

By the time the morning came around the perfect method of revenge was practically handed into Hana's hands. Luckily for her, Thyme didn't have a password on his phone. Jane — some random student that was apart of the F4 fan club — had just messaged Thyme asking if the red card on Gorya could be restored. Hana knew this was the perfect way to get on Lia's nerves. After all, Gorya was Hana's friend and Liliana was adamant about doing anything for her friends. Seeing Gorya be bullied would probably destroy her the tiny amount of relationship she still had with Thyme. And while she had the messages open she decided to announce to the entire school that Vincent Genovese was also to be treated as if he had received a red card.

Liliana might forgive Thyme for giving Gorya a red card but there was no way she would do the same if Vincent was given one as well. Everything was going according to plan...

"Thyme gave us the green light," Jane said holding up the phone for Gorya to see, "He even gave you a friend to share the pain! You and Vincent will be great friends by the end of this". Jane smirked as her two lackeys held both of Gorya's arms. Gorya tried to protest but couldn't escape the grasp of the girls.

Eventually, Gorya ended up in an empty field. A bunch of students were surrounding her motor bike and threatening to destroy it. She spotted Vinny being pushed into the field as well although, he didn't seem as distressed as she was. Actually, Vinny appeared rather calm and seemed to be playing Tetris on his phone. The scene was comedic to watch. The boys pushing Vincent were practically sweating from trying to move the 6'4 male. He looked over everyone in the crowd. He was being bullied but the mischievous expressions on his face hinted that he was having fun.

Gorya got tired from the constant harassment and pushed a boy over in anger. This resulted in a muffled laugh from Vincent who was now standing a couple feet away from Gorya. The tiniest bit of blood was on the elbow of the boy who fell. In a fit of rage and embarrassment he slapped her. Hard.

Vincent stopped laughing after that.

"Hey!," Kavin called out to MJ after he arrived at his house, "I looked into something last night and found something. The lounge belongs to Kritsana Malakarn. Does the name sound familiar?". MJ pondered for a moment before responding, "He's in the financial sector, right? Does he control other things?".

Kavin shrugged. He too was wondering the same thing and was hoping that MJ had better knowledge but alas, he didn't.

"What happened with Thyme?"

MJ exhaled deeply, "I don't know. He met a girl last night and disappeared. Don't worry though, I texted him and he said 'don't worry, i'm home'".  Kavin looked at him like he had grown another head. There was no way that Thyme would have said that. Thyme would never say anything that sounded like a sane individual.

"Oh right I forgot to tell you. Do you remember Hana, Gorya's friend? When she's outside of school she's so sexy," MJ stated. This intrigued Kavin. Honestly, he had forgotten about Hana until something clicked.

"Does she have a criminal record?"

In a reversed fashion the walked towards a computer where one of MJ's workers began to run a background check on the girl. "Hana Malakarn? What's her relationship to Kritsana Malakarn?".

"She's his daughter... I knew it, it's not a coincidence. Wait didn't we go to school with a Malakarn?"

Kavin reached over to MJ's shelf and pulled out a yearbook from their elementary school, "I was right, she's Kornkanok Malakarn and she's two years younger than us,". The two made eye contact and rushed back over to the computer. MJ practically flung the worker out of his chair and took his spot. He began rapidly typing. In a matter of seconds the unedited information about Hana came up revealing that she was the same girl they went to elementary school with.

A feminine voice called out from behind the doorframe of the room, "Kavin!". The two turned to look at the direction and spotted Liliana standing with her arms crossing her chest, "I can't believe you ditched me to hang out with MJ! What's so secret that I can't be here to listen?". Kavin and MJ turned to look at each other and nodded.

"Your friend Hana is a dangerous fucking psychopath that's irrationally obsessed with Thyme and we think that she might be with him right now."

——— a/n

Hi everyone! In case you don't follow me on here — I sent out a message explaining that I had a sudden piano performance yesterday and was unable to write anything so I didn't update! Hope you enjoyed this l chapter :).

p.s. we are finally on episode — in the timeline!!

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