forty five

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chapter forty five:

"If only I came to Bangkok a little sooner..."

Gorya was standing in the Gourmet supermarket — which was just a fancy way of saying an over priced supermarket — and staring at the bags of pasta on the shelf. Well, she technically wasn't really paying attention to the pasta. Her mind was in a completely different realm, thinking about all of the problems that somehow appeared in her life.

"Any particular reason that you're standing here, Blair Witch style, in the pasta section," a voice stated causing her to snap out of her thoughts. Vincent was bent down to her eye level and grinning at her. "Should I be offended or proud right now?" he questioned. Gorya looked at him and glanced down to see a shopping basket full of strawberries and a cheap bottle of wine.

"Oh! Hi Vinny, are you shopping for groceries?"

He hummed in response and grabbed a bag of pasta off the shelves. After claiming it was the best brand in the store he placed it inside her shopping cart. "Are you stressing out over Lita?" he asked absent-mindedly. The silence was loud between the two of them. Only the sound of the other customers could be heard. They unanimously chose to move on from the question since the answer was blatantly clear.

Somehow, Vincent ended up pushing Gorya's shopping cart and helping her shop around for food that was needed at the Paramaanantra mansion. "I know Lita can be a bit vicious sometimes," he said in an attempt to comfort her.

"I get it. Lita must feel like she's been betrayed. She's just doing everything she can to reclaim what's hers. No one wants to lose." She opened the freezer grabbed a bag of frozen food off the rack and placed it in the cart. "It's true," Vinny stated as he pushed the cart behind her. His eyes gazed at her with concern. To any outsider, he would have looked like he was just rejected by his long term crush. "Are you anxious about Thyme?"

Gorya froze in the middle of the frozen food aisle. It took a minute before she slowly turned to make eye contact with the tall boy, "anxious about Thyme?". She shook her head with certainty, "Not at all. I trust him. I've done everything I can. The only thing I can do is wait,". Vincent nodded his head at her statement. It made sense. Obviously if you like someone that much then the only logical thing would be to trust them.

"So...," Gorya stated whilst standing on her tip toes to poke Vincent's cheek, "Let's ring these up,". She walked off with a smile on her face. Vinny blinked a couple of times before chuckling.

"If only I came to Bangkok just a little sooner.."

"Ren why do you have five different coats that are the exact same shade of beige?," Lia asked. Currently, the couple were at Ren's apartment condo. Liliana was 'inspecting' her lovers closet out of curiosity and a bit of boredom. "They aren't the same! They're all different brands!," Ren yelled from across the apartment. Whilst Lia was criticising his clothing, Ren was in the kitchen preparing a small meal for the two of them. Although he wasn't the best cook, Ren knew how to make a mouth-watering curry — which was quite literally mouth-watering since he liked to out double the recommended spicy peppers in the dish.

"Please tell me you've never worn this," Lia stated as she resurfaced to the kitchen with a red hoodie that had a white Louis Vuitton pattern all over it. "I think I would die of embarrassment if I knew you walked into public with this."

Ren chuckled as he stirred the curry on the stove, "Thyme gave me that as a gift. What's so bad about it?" She let out a sigh of relief and chucked the hoodie onto the couch. She sat at one of the stools at the kitchen island and pressed her elbows on the island surface as she leaned her head on her hands. "Ren, darling, light of my life, if you ever wear that I will make sure you can never have children," Lia said while shooting him a sickly sweet smile, "just because something is a designer brand doesn't mean that it looks good. That's how you can tell the difference between wealthy people and rich people,".

Instead of arguing her he hummed. Ren served the curry and rice onto two plates and presented one in front of her. "Ta da!," he announced as he sat in the stool next to her, "be careful though — I make it extra spicy! Should I get some milk just in case?"

Liliana stared at her boyfriend with a deadpan look, "Love, I think you've forgotten that I'm Spanish,".

In a surprising turn of events, the milk was in fact finished by the end of the meal only it wasn't Lia who drank it.

It was Ren.


hello!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed the fact that Vincent was the one who went to the store with Gorya instead of Ren! :]


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