||•Tom visiting your grave•||

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It's the third day after your death in the accident with Tom , you and his family all came to your funeral, crying , grieving... But Tom stayed emotionless , that blank face , but you could see his red puffy eyes and dark circles , he haven't slept , only cried.. After everybody left, Tom was the only one left infront of your grave, he was holding a guitar, the guitar you bought for him for the the new song he was working "I saw the light" , he held it in his hands , tears flowing down his pale face , he took a deep breath and started to stun the guitar , a song, a song you both danced to on your first day and your first kiss.. " it's just another night, and I'm staring at the moon~ saw a shooting star and thought of you.. So open your eyes and see , the way our horizons meet ..." He continued to sing , holding back tears . He finished the whole song , he looked to your tombstone "y/n .. This was our song... Remember?" He whispered , now sniffing , as he tried to keep his smile but failed , he knelt down sobbing , saying your name and sorry over and over again

All you wanted to do was hug him tightly and tell him it was okay, it wasn't his fault.. But you knew you couldn't , you were gone , his hand grasped the green gass, "I LOVED YOU! Why ?.. Why her..? Gods Why!" He wailed , "now I'll never hold her, kiss her..." He whispered , His mother walked out bathing a tree , and knelt next to his son , rubbing his back "it's okay Tom.. She's in a better place now.. She's happy.." She comforted him , Tom sat up still crying and hugged his mother , crying loudly on her shoulder "I loved her...mother I loved her so much...!" He whispered still hugging his mother "I know Tom , I know, and so did she..." She whispered back , letting his son cried until no more tears can be cried ..

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