||• Loki Being there for you •||

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Ugh , jane, it's ALWAYS Jane! Oh look Jane this, oh wait Jane that. You had grown sick of her, why her? What makes her so special? You're his best friend for mercy's sake! It made you angry, jealous even .. You had known Thor and have been there for him way more times then Jane had , you helped him through everything, everything... All you ever wanted was someone's care, love, Someone who will be there for you when you fall, and that's all you wanted, was that too much to ask for? Just that one person...

"Y/n? Is everything alright" a soft velvet voice breaking your trail of thoughts, it was Loki, standing behind you, looking at you with.. Worry? "I'm fine Loki, I'm just..lost in my thoughts " you looked back curling yourself like a ball with your knees to your chest, feeling guilty.

Loki.. Loki has always been there for you whenever you needed him , just like you did, always, and he always returned for you, no matter what... He always tried to be there for you and to hold you, support you, him.

"Y/n are you sure?" He immediately sat next to you now completely focused on you, his beautiful eyes showing how much he's worried about you

"y/n..." He trailed his fingers lightly on your cheek .. And then you saw it, in his emerald green eyes , there wasn't only worry but something more .. Care. He cares about you "Loki.." You whispered grabbing onto your dress you're wearing , prevent yourself from crying.

You couldn't hold it in anymore as you let tears flow from your eyes , you closed them, hoping to stop to continue rolling down your cheeks . Thinking to yourself how could you ever doubt him ? How? "Oh darling..." He whispered before grabbing you and hugging you, trying to soothe you gently . He was always that gentle and caring forwards you , and only you "shh everything's alright love.." He said reassuringly rubbing you back as you held him tighter, now sobbing . He wiped a few tears as you spoke again "Loki... Thank you" you said as you placed your lips upon his , sweetly "why?" Loki asked with a smile after you pulled away, his hands still holding your cheek

"For caring.." You smiled "always being here by my side.." You said in a lower tone and got into his embrace as he leaned behind still holding you "don't thank me , I'm always here, with you, by your side.. I love you y/n, and know that I will never leave your side.." He ran his fingers through your hair as you closed your eyes with a smile on your face. At least someone cared, no, it wasn't just someone, it was Loki, Loki cared .. For you

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