||• James coming back for you •||

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You remembered the day he left, the day he decided to walk out the door, you also remember how you couldn't let him go "y/n please, I /have/ to go, For my family , for my country" James said looking at you with sad pleading eyes "what about me?i love you James and youre just going to leave me all alone? I am pregnant with your child James Nicholls!...I can't loose you" You shouted, your vision blurred by your tears, mixed emotions boiling inside you. "I will return y/n, no matter the cost I /will/ return for you and our beautiful child...I promise. Wait for me will you? I love you" and with that he turned and closed the door behind him. Days passed, weeks pass, everyday and night you worry over him, whether he is still alive, but you constantly receive letters from him "to my dearest y/n, it has been months since I last saw you, how are you ? And the child? Is he a handsome boy or is she a beautiful girl like you? I've been thinking about names and I want to call the girl Edelweiss , the flower you always loved and as to the boy, maybe James Jr ? I'm still not sure . I really miss you my love , wait for my return on February. Love, James Nicholls"

This was the last letter you ever received from him, as you waited , February came as fast as the winds breeze, but there was no sign of him.. You looked down to your growing belly , it has been confirmed by the doctors that she's a girl. "Hello my lovely Edelweiss, it is beautiful out here in the world you're about to see , but ..but know that your father couldn't make it to see you.. Don't get mad at him darling, He just went somewhere and-and he's not going to come back.. Ever" you said sadly tears forming in your eyes once more "but know this , he loves you, he loves us.. And he would give anything to be by our side , he asked me to wait , and I'm still waiting" you smiled as you look at the picture of James in your hand "I miss you James..we all do.."

Pain shot through your abdomen , you screaming in pain as the doctors pushed you into the room , getting ready and In place for you. You grasp on the white sheet beneath you tighten till your knuckles turn white. You needed him to be here , you needed him to be with you "please!" You begged, not to ease the pain , but hope that James could be here, and that's when the door swung open, your vision blurred by your tired eyes. Muffled sounds and voices was heard and a man who you could make out was wearing a blue suit , taking off his hat as he knelt down beside you , grabbing your cold weak hand. "James?.." You whispered as you look at his blue eyes "yes darling it's me, now please I need you to push, push as hard as you can Love I'm here , I'm here with you" he said quickly , his hand on your cheek. You did what you were told and push , but you were getting tired , and your breathing shallowed. "No please love please don't give up, your there, you're almost there" James encouraged , and with one last push, a beautiful cry was heard, an angelic cry , "it's a girl captain" one of the nurses said , carrying the baby in a towel to him , you saw his tears running down his face as he looked at you and kissed your forehead "she's beautiful my love , just like you, I love you" he said sniffing and chuckled. You hand raised weakly to touch his face but a pair of small hands reached up and caught your finger, looking at your child , you smiled , "she has your eyes James , the beautiful blue eyes that I love" you said weakly and gave him a kiss " I love you" he said with a proud smile "and you too my little girl" he laughed and the baby cooed to his voice 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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