||• Adam arguing with you •||

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Time was hard .. Since it was against the rules setter between you and Adam to prey on humans , it was hard to get supplies from the hospital.. It was hard to get blood. Under a hot summer's night , you and Adam laid on your beds, staring at the ceiling , too weak to even think, the hunger for blood was a bit too much for the both of you to bear. "Let's not lay here for once and get some food" you muttered "but darling we tried almost every night for supplies" adam moaned "yea and we still have none, and if you still sit in your arse like that we're both going to starve to death!" You hissed , you got a bit cranky with all this but you're the only one "I'm sitting on my arse?! Maybe you should go hunt for once huh ? how about that?! " adam sat up and hissed "go to hell Adam! I'm always the one hunting for food and -" "and what ? Did food appear ? No" he interrupted "Fuck you" you muttered angrily before slamming the door shut behind you , leaving the house and Adam alone. You growled and cursed angrily under your breath, before you spotted a shadow, the smell of blood filling your lungs , and without knowing you licked you lips hungrily and flit to follow your prey in the shadows. He was a man judging on what he's wearing , turning to walk into a dark alley "perfect" you thought, finally ..blood. Silently you crawled your way nearer to your target , like a hungry desperate wolf eyeing their prey. But before you could make your move , a hand spin you around and pinned you on a wall " what the hell are you doing?! " it was Adam , you growled watching that bag of blood walk away without noticing the both of you "I was going to get food! Why the hell did you fucking stop me Adam?!" You spit "it was against the rules! Our rules!" "Well maybe if it weren't for our rules , we won't be starving !" You shouted back. Adam fell silent, not even a word came out, you sighed "I-I'm sorry Adam.. For everything , it's just I-I'm starving , we both are a-and it's so hard for me-" interrupted again by Adam, he pulled you into his warm embrace , his long muscular arms wrapped around you weak body "it's okay ... I know darling , I know" he hushed you, as you buried your face on the crook of his neck, inhaling his calming scent. "I'm sorry too .." He whispered , making you smile softly at his gentleness that you always loved "Now .. Let's get back, I'll find a way to get into the hospital tomorrow night for supplies " he said softly , his hand slowly letting your head , "together" you said looking up at him "we'll go together " you smiled and gave him a sweet peck on the lips causing him to show you his beautiful smile "I love you.." He whispered "I love you too.." And with that you both walked home slowly hand in hand , and it was that night when you noticed how the stars was shining bright for the both of you.

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