||• Helping Tom •||

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Sketching everything around you has always been a thing for you, you do it when you're bored or just under the weather. Tom came home from work but still, he had to continue his work in your room, and it has already been quiet awhile now since he came out getting another cup of cooled coffee the fifth time... Or sixth. You sighed , remembered he only greeted you with a kiss on the cheek and said no other word , only leaving to your room and you sitting on the couch. Standing up, you decided to go check on him with some pudding , he always love it when you made him pudding. Softly knocking on the door , you heard his voice "come in" , you smiled and opened the door , placing the dessert on the paper covered table, this must be really important , the TOM you know is always neat and tidy , only whenever either the project is very important or the deadline is tonight. "Hello love.. Busy?.." you asked softly and lovingly , knowing he is having a rough night "yes darling , very" he replied with a faint smile , obviously trying to sound happy and giddy. Walking behind him you and you massaged his shoulders , getting a satisfied and delighted moan from him in reply , you leaned in and whispered in his ear "look at what I made " his eyes darted to the corner of the table where you set the pudding. "Darling you're the best!" He said kissing your cheek and started digging his way in the pudding , this time with pure happiness. You chuckled on how he gobbled up the dessert within seconds "your puddings are the best" he smiled , but then continued working "darling I'm terribly sorry , but I might not be able to sleep tonight.." He said softly while doing his work, "it's alright , you just do what you have to do , I'll just be here if you need me" you said getting on the bed behind him. But little did he know , you weren't asleep, you were sketching , a sketch of him working. Just when you finished you fell asleep on the bed. Tom stretched his arms after finally finishing his work, and when he walked over , he saw your work. Smiling at the beautifully drawn sketch. He closed it and set it aside,

Putting you back under the covers and kissed our forehead , "goodnight darling" he said softly before climbing into bed with you and cuddling close to your sleeping body , and you whispered back "goodnight love"

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