||• Odin and Thor after Loki fell from the Bridge•||

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// Thor's POV //

"No Loki.."...

Those were the last words he heard , and the last that he ever wanted to hear. He tried, I knew he did, father did too. But he was wrong , and had to be stopped. I sat at the edge of the bridge, yes where he fell. "No Loki.." Those words echoing through my head, knowing that was the trigger and yet I couldn't stop him... He was desperate, he was broken, and he needed me.. I left him there , hanging , and watched him fall, with a single tear rolling down his sharp cheekbones.. Father mourned.. We all did, mother was devastated.. Father never spoken a word about him then. But I saw , in his eye, there was sadness. I miss him , my brother. I remember that we played together, we fought together, had hatred blinded him that much? Did he remember none of that? But I admit , he was always the one in the shadows, in MY shadows... I'm sorry brother.. If only I knew back then, I would have never let you go . I would've never let you fall, and I would've said "we are equal"....

// Odin's POV //

"I could've done it father! I could've done it! For you! For all of us!" ...

I did it to protect him from the truth...I was wrong. Loki was smart, he was resourceful, he was a better material , a fit for a king. But I pushed him away instead, I glorified Thor all these years.. I always claim that I love him, both of them, and they were born to be great leaders , kings. I killed him.. It was murder... I pushed him to the point he was desperate , to the point that he did all of this.. I'm sorry Loki.. I really am. He never wanted the throne, all he ever wanted was to be Thor's equal... But it was all too late.

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