||• Loki found out your cuts •||

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You're past had been hard , very hard that you cut yourself and relieve yourself from the pain, and Loki was the one who saved you, he who truly understood you , your anger, your sadness. And he's always there for you, but not long after it started again, the gossips, the name callings, and the blasted rumours ! Your anger and sadness consumed your mind and soul, you tired to fight back but failed falling into the dark endless abyss , the ruby red liquid which keeps you living flow from your arm to the cold marble ground as you screamed and cried to yourself, drowning yourself with sadness and all emotions that flowed to you. and later that day Loki as usual , knocked on your door , you scars were still visible and painful , but Loki could never know , knowing it will hurt him to the core . You wore a long sleeved dress to cover them up and opens the door for Loki . "Oh I'm glad you're in, come on , I discovered a beautiful place right behind the Asgardian forest! You must go see" he said excitedly and pulled on your arm , that made you hissed in pain, he immediately let go of your hand and looked at you with worried eyes , yore wound started to bleed through the sleeves of your dress and Loki gasped immediately taking your arm back but gently and rolled up your sleeves examining the wounds "Loki I'm fine it's just a little scratch-""A LITTLE SCRATCH?! Y/n! You're bleeding ! And you call these a little scratch?!" He roared not in anger but in pain, the pain from his heart to see you like this , you tried pulling your hand away but Loki held on to it tighter , bringing it to his mouth and kissed the scars away with his magic.

You looked down ashamed of what you did " why y/n?... What could possibly drive you to do this?" Loki asked pulling you into his arms that have protected you as you started to cry on his chest, he hushed you and kissed the top of your head "I can't ...I'm sorry Loki ..I'm really sorry" you cried , he sighed and picked you up bridal style, gently placing you on the bed , and him laying next to you. He looked at you with his mesmerising green eyes but you still in his arms , slowly closed your wet eyes and you started to drift off to sleep, before darkness com aimed your tired body , you heard him whispered softly on your ears "I love you y/n , never leave, never. I will love you till the end of of time , but will I stop then? Never.." It was his poem he made for you , he kissed your forehead and you fell into deep slumber

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