c h a p t e r 6

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{a little side note, I wrote this when I was in first aid at school so some parts definitely won't add up🤝}

After break it was English, Y/N loves English so she wasn't that bothered. She got in average time this time so she found a seat by herself at the back. The desk was for two but Y/N but her bag on the seat deliberately so nobody could sit there. 5 minutes later and the class was practically full, y/n was sat writing when a hand grabbed her shoulder.

Y/N: *looks up slowly confused*

N: hey I'm Nate, *sticking his hand out to greet you*

Y/N : pleasured.. *shakes hand slowly*

Y/N turns away and continues to write thinking he was just being kind, maddy told her about Nate and she was not looking for a friendship with this guy.

Nate aggressively picked up her bag and flung it alongside the desk.
Y/N looked up in anger, she just met him and he was already being disrespectful.

"Can I help you?" She asked as he flung himself next to her.

Nate looked at his friends as she could hear them egging him on - asif he was going to pull a prank on Y/N.
You noticed rather quickly, as you see a boy whip out his phone to record smirking. You decided to play along.
You could tell Nate felt uncomfortable about what he was going to do but he found the topic rather funny.
"I asked you a question"

N: oh yeah yeah erm you can help me by.. bending over.
*nate and his friends found this historical laughing as his friend plays, and re-plays the video several times laughing at it*

Luckily, maddy wasn't in this lesson or shit would go down, but what the fuck-

You drop your pen, and throw your bag over your left shoulder grabbing his hand.
He resists and questions, "what are you doing?" In a angry tone.

Y/N : "oh but I thought you wanted me? You offered after all?"

You notice ash in the corner staring at you in disbelief.
He looked angry asif you was just asked out.
Y/N bites her bottom lip, "your coming right nate?"

Nate still in shock looks at his friends to see them boosting him to go, he proceeds to follow you out of the class
Practically bouncing at the fact he believes he's gonna get it.

You leave the door wide open so people from a mile off could see what was about to happen.
You grab his hands and place them on your hip, before he goes to kiss you, you look over at ash to see him break his pen out of rage.

Nate goes in for a kiss when all of a sudden you push him back with your finger, "oh you thought I was this easy to get?"

Nate stops in disbelief and continues to try and kiss y/n.

She pushes him back now with two hands, yet he still tries to kiss her.
"listen sweetie I said no, your not my type okay?"

The whole class cheers as Nate turns red in the face, you little bit-
When I tell you this happened in a matter of seconds.
Nate raised his hand at me when all of a sudden-

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