c h a p t e r 11

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The following days at school was awkward.
Y/N kept her head down and sat by herself most lessons after the little performance with Nate.
She would occasionally finding herself starting at ash and him catching her so she would have to pretend she was "thinking of an answer and happened to look over"
Ash barley came to lessons on time, or at all. After threatening Nate he probably felt it would be best to give some space.
For the next few days, y/n was quite and barley raised her hand in class apart from asking to go to the bathroom. Y/N wore hoodies and sweaters since she was using the spares of fez's and ash's.
After school, y/n would go to maddy's with Kat and Cassie just to really get out the house. They would sit and gossip but even then y/n wasn't herself. She just felt so off but she couldn't find a solution of her being this way.

|The day was now Friday, 31st December.|

7:00am was when you woke up getting a shower and doing your "so called skincare". You didn't have any of the best products since you still couldn't afford any of the good ones.

"You know what, I'm sick of looking homeless! I wanna look cute"

You dug up a pair of cargo pants and a brown top, throwing your hair into a high pony.

You dug up a pair of cargo pants and a brown top, throwing your hair into a high pony

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You grab a cute little bag Faye lent you and stick on your shoes.
You grab an apple off the side when you see ash sat at the table eating breckfast.

Things was still awkward between you two and none of you really wanted to be the first to speak.

Y/N: soo, when did you get up..

A: dunno.

Y/N: oh erm cool cool.

Y/N grabbed the door handle as ash told you to wait, sprinting off to his bedroom.
It's been 3 minutes and your tapping your foot waiting for him to return.

Just as your about to leave anyways he comes in with a hoody, and hands it over.

A: it's mine.
Y/N: nice, what do u want me to do with it , stop off at the dry cleaners or-
A: no y/n I want you to wear it.
Y/N: oh erm I- thanks, but why..

*ash's eyes roll down your body signifying something about the way you was dressed*

Y/N: your joking me right?
*you throw the hoodie sticking earphones in you found in a drawer earlier and put on your music.

Y/N's POV:
I didn't wanna sound bitchy, but what was he trying to say, I was dressed like a hooker-
The one day I make an effort for school with a positive mindset and he's already made me conscious.
Oh shit maybe it's because he thinks I'm over dressed..
*you throw on the hoodie*
"Maybe this is for the best"
*as you sigh* and continue walking.

|Ash's POV:|
I didn't wanna sound like a dick but she looked so- nice today and well- I didn't want anyone to- yanno- hit on her...
I bet she thinks I'm a dick now tho.

| At school : |
Your three steps in the corridor and Nate jacobs is walking towards you.
You run into the womens bathroom and go into a stall.
You pull out your phone as your scrolling threw Instagram when you hear blubbering.
You turn your phone off and put your ear to the stall next door.
You hear whimpering as you leave the stall washing your hands in the sink. Being the nosey person you are, your stalling to see who was in the bathroom.
5 minutes later a girl leaves with mascara all down her face. I look up noticing she's stood funny.
Oh shit that's why she's crying.
She's stood staring at herself whiling the black tears when I stand next to her and slide a tampon in her hand.
She looks up at me in dispair, giving me a warm embrace and rushing back into the stall.
I leave the bathrooms smiling at how kind I felt.
Maybe I'm not the biggest bitch going!

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