c h a p t e r 9

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And just when I thought life was starting to get better, I GET KICKED OUT.
I tremble as I'm pushed out the door, going to turn around but the door is already in my face locked I start to blubber realising I left the only things I had left with me in there.
So many questions was running threw my mind, where do I go from now? Why did he switch up so fast?
Did fez tell him to do this?
The situation became too heavy for me to handle so I took a stroll round the block.
I figured he couldn't be this cruel, maybe he needed space.
Millions of questions consuming my brain I had no time to think, and then I see a girl.
She's sat on a curb practically throwing her guts up from balling.
I changed my route crossing the road just to be nosey when I realise I recognise her. I remember seeing her with...

I felt the world stop spinning as my head was throbbing.
Trying to run and check where she is at the same time, I don't see the rock in-front of me.
Ofcourse this has to happen to me right. I go hurling threw the air grazing all my knees.
And not to sound depressed or anything but I didn't even bother moving - I just layed on my back looking at the clouds disappear in the sky.
I hear the click of heels on the floor as I see the girl approach me.
My brain ticking like an alarm , thinking of ideas to get myslef out of the situation without being caught.
I shut my eyes, in hopes that she thinks I'm asleep and leaves me alone.
I hear sudden movement next to me as I see the white girl lay next to me.
My eyes widen as I lay waiting for her to speak.
I hear her lips open and close like she's trying to get words out but can't.

?: hey.
Y/N: erm hi.
?: why are you on the floor?
Y/N: why did you join me?
?: *burts out in tears as she rolls on her side, now directly facing me*

Y/N: hey, same girl.


Y/N slowly sat herself up looking at this heartbroken girl.
"He did what! because of your style"

?: mhm *still having a meltdown*

Y/N: oh girl he's a waste of space, don't let him bother you if he judged you for your clothes.

*? Also sits up slowly*
"Yanno what your so right!"

Y/N: I'm always right.

| now listen I know I was trying to run away from her but she was having a mid life crisis and she genuinely didn't seem so bad, I stayed and spoke to her for a while.

*She reached her hand out as I shook it energetically*

F: I'm faye.
Y/N : I'm y/n.

F: let's walk.
Y/N: sure.

{you and Faye spoke for ages about her EX BOYFRIEND. You knew it was risky but she was clearly high and she barley remembered her date of birth let alone any trace of me.}

F: so what brings you here? I'm sure I haven't seen you about.

Y/N: I was living with my childhood bestfriend fez when his little brother ash RANDOMLY KICKED ME OUT.

F: ooh you know them? I'm heading there now, *pulling an innocent smile*

You drag Faye up and March there.

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