c h a p t e r 25

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Ash left the room as I was lost for words.
I ducking hate myslef- why did I just stand there- I wanted to hug him kiss him- but I just stood and froze. He looked back at me before he shut the door and left.

"Fuck" I say out loud as I threw myself onto his bed. I layed like a star fish whilst I let thoughts run through my head.

Great he's gonna fucking hate me- like forever hate me. Unless...

I Finally consoled myself and left the room. The sound of the door opening breaks the silence in the living room as both fez and ash looked at me. Fez gave me a pretty long look, with a smirk - he must know something. But ash gave me a 0.0000001 second look and immediately looked back at the tv.

I walked past the living room and into the kitchen, searching for food. I find a bag of chips and open them loudly. Ash hastily looked over at the annoying tussling sound of the bag, and gave me a death stare.

Sorry but this boy just told me about how he thought he liked me and now he is giving me dirty looks?

Oh shit what am I meant to do tonight when he sleeps in his bed and I have to stay in the same room...

okay thats it, I have to break this awkwardness.

Fez was sat with his legs stretched out on the coffee table, and ash had his head on the arm rest, with his legs across the sofa - So no room for me.
this didn't stop me tho.

I walked over and picked up ash's legs making room for myself.

A: bitch?

Y/N: yes?

A: *he rolls his eyes and gets comfy again giving me the biggest side eye*

Y/N: what you watching anyways?

F: take a guess

Y/N: hmm... what's the name again? Oh stand by me. *you both burst out laughing*

You look over at ash to see if he found it funny, but he was just twiddling his thumbs.

Y/N: where's Lexie anyways?

F: she just left, some shit about her sister or sum?

Y/N: oh..

F: ayo I'm real tired so if I go to sleep don't bother waking me up ight?

Y/N: okay.

Time skip

You look over at fez and he's asleep. You nudge ash and point at fez as you both chuckle. You could tell the ice was partially broken so you budge up next to him. You rested your head on his chest, as he puts his arm around you. You felt safe inside his arms, as you feel his thumb stroke your shoulder. You both watch the movie in silence when you feel his cold hands down your back.

The coldness of his finger tips made you flinch as you jump forward as he looks down at you.

A: make you jump y/n?

Y/N: no.. I thought I saw a spider *you smile innocently*

A: right...

                     Time Skip

You watch the movie, when you feel his eyes on you. You look over to see him glancing at you.

Y/N: what?

A: so we gonna pretend earlier didn't happen then?

Y/N: *you sat in silence staring in his big brown eyes*

A: okay don't say anything- I mean I don't even know what I was thinking- it would probably of been weird if we was together-

Y/N: *you reach out and pull him in as you did the thing you wanted to do forever, you kissed his perfect lips*

For a moment, neither of you knew what you was doing, but you found yourslef on his lap, with his hands on your waist making out.

You suddenly pull away, feeling fez moving at the bottom of the couch, yet he was still asleep.

You look back at ash before giving him another peck, as he stands up and grabs your wrist.

You whisper , "where are you going!"

A: I'm taking you to my room.

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