The real truth

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Ariana POV

-What are you doing here?
I asked

It was Megan.

-I wanted to see if you were ok.

-As you can see I am perfectly fine.

-I deserve your hate. Dad is pretty mad so I do not think you should come back soon.
She said

-I know. I do not really know what to do. I miss mom. Is she ok?
I asked

-She is but she is really worried of you.

-Does your dad know you are here?

-No, but I wanted to tell you the truth of everything. Nothing is like you think.

-What are you talking about?

-Before your dad died my dad wanted your mom. Your mom didn't like my dad but that did not stopped him. He wanted to kill your father but instead he forced your mother to marry him and threat to kill your father. She said yes but she was so sad. My father let your father go, but your father came back so angry that when he was coming back to get what it was his in the street he crashed with a truck. I am so sorry for never telling you this. I know you do not trust me, but please trust me in this. Why would I lie to you??

-To make me not go to the house ever again. You have never treated me right. Why now??

-I deserve your doubt but Aria the person that mistreats you everyday it is not me.

-What are you talking about??

•ring ring•

-Aria dad is calling I have to go. I promise I will tell you everything, but now I have to go.

Before I could say anything she already left.
I felt very confused. Was she telling me the truth?? I need to sleep. I cannot think about this now.

~Megan POV~

Dad is going to kill me when I get home, but I had to do this because dad is not going to control me anymore like he always does. I will do what I have to do. And what I have to do is protect Ariana from my dad. I am so ashamed of calling him like that. He doesn't deserve anything he has. I hate him because he left my mom in the hospital dying. How could he do that? I do not know what is going to happen, but I know one thing and that is I am not his puppet anymore.

~James POV~

Brushing my teeth in the bathroom thinking of everything. She just wants me as a friend it was ok, but now she is living here. That won't be easy to ignore. I hope she feels comftorable. What she is going through isn't easy.

I cannot see her suffering. She doesn't deserve this. I will do anything to make her feel better. If I had to kill her step-dad I will. And especially I won't give up on her even if the skies get rough


I woke up and I jumped with terror when I saw my sister Olivia picking up my mess.

-What the hell are you doing here Olive???

-Good morning to you too. I miss you, so I decided to visit you. I saw this mess and started to clean up. And I made you chocolate chip pancakes. Your favorite. I will wait for you in the kitchen. So get dressed and hurry up or the pancakes are going to be cold.

-Thanks Olive! Thats why I love you.

-Yeah yeah I know.

I loved my blondie sister. She is thin and has the most beautiful blue crystal eyes I have ever seen. She is the sister that acts like a mom. And I loved her more than anything.
But there is one problem she has the worst bad boy boyfriend. I hated him. His name is Peter. He was tall and muscular. He had the bad guy look. He has brown hair and white skin. I told her to break up with him, but she never listens to me. Oh no Ariana is here. What can I tell Olivia??


Oh no Ariana screamed that is a bad sign.
I ran to see what happened.

-James who is she?
Olivia asked

Umm what do i tell her??

-She is my best friend that will be staying for a while here. Umm Olivia this is Ariana. Ariana this is my older sister Olivia.

-Nice to meet you, Olivia. Ohh and sorry for screaming at you.

-No worries!

There was an awkward silence.
-So my favorite girls finally met. Umm Olive can I talk to you in private please.

-Of course.

We went to the kitchen.

-So Olive I am so sorry for not telling you about all of this but she...

The door suddenly opened aggresively.


Oh no!!! He is here.

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