To Infinty and Beyond

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Ariana POV
Saturday 6:58 am

She is dead. Sabrina is dead. Oh God. I was breathing heavily. What the heck is happening? This can't be possible. Her body was full of blood. "Ariana we have to go." Summer suggested pulling my elbow. "No! We can't go. We have to call someone. I am calling James. Oh and Summer I forgive you." Her smile went huge.

Before we ran upstairs I had to be sure they were dead. I checked their breathing. No! Their dead. No life signal. We ran up the stairs. "Summer do you have an idea of where we are?" I asked her. "We are in an outside city of Cali called Chenderville." (AN: that place is made up. If its a true city or village then it is not the same.)
OMG! I have to call James.
Call starting.


"JAMES! Its me Ariana!"

"WHERE ARE YOU? Are you ok?"

"Now we are, but we need someone to get us out of here."

"Where are you?"


"Oh ok. I will pick you up."

"But James you have to call a police."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Sabrina killed Zayn and she committed suicide."

"Oh God! I will be there in about an hour. Just wait there! Ariana I love you."

I hanged up before I could say anything.
"Are they coming?" Summer questioned. I nodded. Oh God. This is all my fault. I should be the one who gets killed. Sabrina was a good girl that I destroyed. Will I ever forgive myself? I don't think so. I was looking for a knife. I need to cut. I need to cut. My skin is screaming for something sharp. I was opening drawers until I found a meat knife. When I was about to do it, Summer grabbed the knife and throw it out the window. "No! Ariana this is not your fault!" I started screaming. "SHE IS DEAD! IT IS ALL MY FAULT! HOW CAN I FORGIVE MYSELF??? I AM A MONSTER! NOOOOO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I tried to push her and she fell down. I am a monster. Oh God.

"Ariana, calm down. It was her decision. You tried to stop her." She embraced me trying to make me feel better. "But it wasn't enough. I hate myself!" I really did.

"STOP IT! You think you are the only on that has a horrible life? Well check this out my brother is a narco. He's in one of the biggest gangs in Cali! My mom works in a orgy. (AN: A orgy is a place of prostitution.) You know why? Because my dad lost all our money gambling. Now he is a homeless in the streets. I haven't seen him 4 years ago. After school I have to take care of my 3 little siblings and be the mom of the house. I have to do everything. Clean, cook and help my siblings with their homework. And plus my boyfriend is my drama teacher. I could get expelled, but I still risk my education for the love of my life. Mr. Reagan is everything that makes me happy. I know it sounds disgusting, but it is true. I love Drake Reagan. You know I have all this horrible things going on my life, but I move on. No matter who fault is it there is always a reason for everything. Don't cry and cut yourself because it is all your fault. Stand up and make stuff that will make you proud of. If you want to change things then do it. Ariana you can be stubborn, a little annoying and sometimes your bossy, but you are also very authentic, smart, ambitious, you have an extraordinary personality. You need to see this from yourself. Don't fall in love with no one because first you have to fall in love with yourself to be able to love unconditionally another person to infinity and beyond."

Oh my! Although it hurts, but it is true. "Summer, I..."

Before I could speak the door collapsed. "Police! Don't move!" 6 blue uniformed men were entering the house with their guns. We both raised our hands. James suddenly came.

"ARIANA!" He hugged like if he was never going to leave me. "Where are the dead kidnappers?" One of the police asked. "Downstairs." Summer responded. The six men went to investigate. "Ariana are you ok? They didn't do anything to you, did they?" He was checking every single inch of my body to see if they hurt me. "No! I am fine. I am thankful you are here." Then he saw my regular risk scars. "Ariana when was this?" He was worried I could see it in his eyes. "That was thursday night." I was a little ashamed of it. "Oh Ariana. Come here! Let's go home."

Before we kept walking the officer stopped us. "Miss we need some information." And of course I did told them what they needed to know.

Oh well lets go home. Wow I never thought I would say those words again. Home. Summer is right. I need to find myself and love that person. My life is not that bad now. I have my brother, my friends, and I got James. Maybe this won't be as bad after all. My phone vibrated. I flipped it open. It was a message.

Wow! How disappointing this turned out. I thought she had the guts to kill you, but I guess not. Did you miss me? Don't think because your mortal enemy is dead your life will be perfect. I will assure that your life will be a living hell. I will destroy all the things and people you love. Don't think you can get rid of me easily. Stay safe, Ariana because I am coming after you. -A



Hey lovelies! Yes this is the end of the first book, but this is not over. There is a sequel. There will be more things going around as you can see. The sequel's title is The Past doesn't Cover any Secrets.
Please look for it in my profile in works. It will be the continuation of this lousy journey. I hope you like this one. BTW: the prequel will keep going on. I will get to chapter 10 and then it will end. Please read this short prequel. It will help you to understand. Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it. Love you guys! 😘😍
See you the next time in The past doesn't cover any secrets. BTW: here is an little intro to the new sequel:

Ariana's mortal enemy is dead. Sabrina may you rest in peace. Zayn, her crazy ex is also dead thanks to Sabrina that killed him before she suicide. Ariana is free of bullies now. No more danger in La High School? The queen bee is gone. Now who will be next in the throne?

Ariana is still depressed. She maybe look happy, but her past is still haunting her. She has been receiving messages from an anonymous who seems to know every dirty secret that Ariana and her friends have. Past doesn't cover lies nor secrets.

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