It is time!

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Ariana POV

-Summer what is this?
I asked with amusement.

I woke up and I saw a banquet in the dining room. There is no words to describe all of this.

-It is my way to say thank you for receiving me in your life.

-Awwwww! Thanks, this looks delicious. Wait its that waffles? I love waffles! This is so impressive! I will go and wake up Olive and Jade.

-Okay! I will wait right here.

This is awesome! Now I have an actual friend in school. It means a lot that she made this for me.

I saw Olive and Jade in the floor sleeping. Probably they fell out of bed.

I jump on Olive.

-OMG! What the hell?!? Ariana! Seriously? Ughhh!!!
Olive shouted angrily.

-Hahahaha! Im sorry, but breakfast is ready!
I announced still laughing.

-ok fine! Just give me a minute, Gosh!
She angrily said.

-Did you say hell?
I asked while giggling

-Umm no.
She lied

I bursted in laughter.

-Stop! Jade wake up!
Shout Olive

-Oh that is not going to work. She sleeps like a rock. The only way is water.
I said.

I took a water bottle that was beside the lamp.
I started to pour the water on her head.

Jade shouted.

I stand up and started to run. She chased me all over the penthouse until she finally caught me. She grabbed me by my waist and fell on the floor. Our only reaction was laughter.

-Oh God! I am tired! Lets eat!
I proposed

-Good idea! I am starving!
Jade agreed.

I saw Olive and Summer in the dinning room, but I felt something was wrong.

-Girls is everything ok?
I questioned.

-Ask Summer.
Olive said with pity

I looked at Summer.

-She thinks I have a plan to hurt you. Ariana I would never do that to you after all you have given to me.
Summer responded

-No! I saw you speaking in the phone, you said the plan was going fantastic. What is your excuse now?
Asked Olive with a smirk.

-I was assuring that the Biology project plan was going great. I would never hurt Ariana
Summer confessed.

-I know. It is just that Olive is probably still affected by these crazy days. I am so sorry for that. Now lets eat!
I said.

We all sat down except Olive.

-Olive are you not eating with us?
Asked Jade

-No! I will pick something to eat on my way to college. Bye girls!
Olive said.

She slammed the door.

-Oh well thanks Summer for this food, but you and I have to go to school.
I said while finishing my last bite of my delicious waffle.

-Yes! You are right! Lets get ready.

-I am ready! Look!

-Umm... Come on I will help you.

She pulled my arm to Olive's closet.

What was wrong with a long black and green shirt, black leggings and white converse? Oh well.

-Oh this would look fabulous on you.

She hand me a white miniskirt with a red tank top. She also hand me this really high black heels that would probably twist my ankle.

I said nervously

I took of my shirt and Summer pulled my wrist.

-What is this?
Summer said pointing at my cuts from last night.

-Umm... Hey don't judge me. I have been through a lot these days. My mom is dead, I found out I have a brother and now Megan is dead.

-Hey! It's ok. I won't judge you, but I did not know you harmed yourself.

-Since the first day I got kicked out of my throne. That same day my dad died. It was the worst day of my life.

-I am so sorry... I

-Hey Aria! I have to go, but see you at 4:30.
Affirmed Jade

-Yes! Love you!
I said

-Me too!
Jade responded.

-Umm... Oh well now makeup!
Summer changed topic to not make this conversation more awkward than it is.

-Noo! I am fine... I will put some eyeliner and some mascara.
I said

-But you will need this.

She painted my lips a coral color. It looked beautiful on my lips. I loved it.

-Wow thanks, Summer.

-Your hair needs something.

She added a white bow on top of my high blue pony tail.

-Now you look fantastic. Now give me 5 minutes and I will be ready to go.

-Cool! Wait for you in my car.

I ran down stairs and felt really good in a way. Although many crazy things are happening I am starting to know who are my real friends. Right now I am not that depressed as before although every night I cut myself, but now I am actually feeling some things are going right.

I opened the car's door and I sat at the driver's seat. I was turning on the car and suddenly I feel these hands choking me in the back of the car. Summer came with a gun in her hand ready to shoot.


-You wouldn't dare.
Sabrina said

-Don't be so sure about that. Now get your ass out of here. I don't want to see you again.
Summer demanded

-Ariana you will pay for this.
Sabrina assured

-It was not my fault that you treat your friends like sidekicks.
I said

-You were the same.
Sabrina added

-But at least I said I am sorry.
I said

-You are a f$*%#ng slut!
Sabrina cursed

-Oh yeah and BTW the circus called and said that you got the job.

-Ughhhh! I HATE YOU!

She left stumbling like a maniac.

-Lets go.


-Hey beautiful! Are you ready?
Asked James

-Hey Ugliful! And yes I am ready.
I respond

-Ok lets go!

It was already 4:30. Its been a cool day, but now it is time to face the plan.


Hey lovelies! I know this chapter wasn't that great, but it was more a filling chapter. Hey so I have been thinking if I make 9 chapters more and then I will make a second book.
Maybe titled: "The girl with no Possibilities" or "The girl with no Dreams" or "the girl with no life" or "The girl with no love"

Please help me pick a name. If you have an idea comment or text me in KiK. My name is gabyps14
Thanks for reading and voting!
I love you! And lets see what's next on The Girl with No Name.
Peace out! Gaby!

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