Just a one night stand right?

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Alaia: This is not okay literally...I don't need to go in today is what he said and now all of a sudden I have to work I don't like that.

Mom: Welcome to adult hood baby you gotta do what you have to do.

Alaia: I know ...

Alaia: Okay so I'm going to go get ready okay I love you

Mom: I love you too mija

I hung up and sighed ...

Sometimes ...receiving a paycheck isn't enough to keep me motivated to work ...not gonna lie

I shower and wrap my hair in a bun and then put on my ugly uniform

And then ate a apple for breakfast I feel queasy for some reason

I walk in and I see how long my shift is and I mentally groan

God...help me

So here's the thing about my job ...I hate newbies with a passion.

We have different positions and different ranks

Allow me to break it down:

We have the gold rank : this is mainly for our CEO and our store manager, and the shift manager

Then there is the silver rank: shift leaders , bartending manager, floor manager, stage manager and bartenders(this is where I am)

The floor manager: basically manages the crowd and how our dancers interact with said crowd

The bronze rank: dancers

But the bronze rank has three separate levels

Newbies: Babies

About three years in: Divas

More then 6 years: Queens

Then we have the rust rank: (they do not get treated like dirt I swear)

Janitors, bouncers, and security

Finally there is demotion rank : you only end up here after three strikes and depending on your position each strike is worse as it goes up

For our dancers even if they are at a Queen level , if you get one strike you won't dance with pay for a week

Second strike no dancing no pay

Third strike your fired plain and simple

For our bartenders

First strike no seving big tip tables but you still get your weekly paycheck

Second strike no tips and no pay

Third strike ...your fired

For our rust rank

Only one strike and they are fired so yep

Now that you know how this works let me explain why I hate newbies

Most of the newbies act entitled asf like this is a top strip club

Which it is most definitely not ...don't get me wrong our reviews are good and they reach overseas and we get mostly 5 star ratings in every rank but our dancers

Because the newbies act like they know every damn thing and they don't

Now we have this thing called red strikes and you only get these if you were violent toward a coworker or one of the bosses

One red strike ...a demotion and little pay

Two red strikes ... extra hours and no pay

Three... your fired

So yesterday one of the newcomers tried to come for me

A customer wanted a drink and I asked for ID and the dancer ...let's call her milly walked into me and made me spill the drink

She laughs so hard for no reason and then spits on my shoe

Thanks for cleaning it bitch ...you could have just licked it

She really thought she ate but anways

The CEO has cameras literally everywhere except inside the bathrooms

Outside yes ...but not inside thats weird and gross but anyway

He saw this and reported it to our gold ranks and silver rank people

I knew immediately what was going to happen

She got one strike and a red strike and then she came back the next day and slapped me

The female security: Lainey punched her in the jaw and then she got fired


Around 9pm a guy came in and my attention was on him the whole night

Layla went home early which meant I had his table

I practically ran to him and gave him his food and rushed the cooks something terrible

He thanked me and even treated me so well I loved every minute of his time

He slid my coworker a note inviting me to his home and I called off early and sped home so quick

I took a shower and changed into something sexy but calm with some heels for a little razzle dazzle and then I let my hair down and brushed it like it wasn't attached to my scalp

After that I grabbed my hygiene bag and left

When I got there he was waiting on his couch with some wine

Ughh I left like such a slut for accepting this so easily but if yall could see him ughhh

He said his name was Issac and I loved how long his dreads were

We made it to his room and he kissed me all over my body before he was inside of me and all over me until the sun rose ....

The end.

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