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Issac : pov

I look at her and I feel myself smiling ...not only was that the best I've had in awhile but she was just beautiful

I can't see myself letting go but she would just be a distraction from my goals

Or would she?

Why am I even debating this ...I'm the one that told her this would only happen once

I should have been more honest because I'm already hard just looking at her

This definitely cannot happen just once do I tell her that though

I can't just be like ...I change my mind be mine

Or maybe I can ?...

No stop it ...make her breakfast...take a shower with her and send her on her way

After care is important...which I will do but nothing more ...this doesn't need to be a relationship

I gently shake her and we shower first and as we did I put my tongue on her again because she just tastes so good

After that I made a breakfast bowl ...with eggs, bacon, potatoes,  sausage,  peppers and rice

It was really good and she had two full bowls

After this I cuddled her and rubbed her back , then we got dressed and she said something very unexpected

Alaia: I don't need a relationship right now this was fun but it can't go anywhere

Issac: I agree...though I did have fun

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then she left

For some reason her words started to hurt the more I thought about them

I know she didn't want something ...I kinda don't either

But ...I do ...I do want her ...I need her to be with me

I tear down a wall and start on a room for her

5 months later and I'm ready for her to be with me

I know exactly what to do but first beer

I go to her work and she's not there , which is weird

Then I decided to go in anyway and look up some things about her

I found her address and wrote it down ...I won't stalk her I'm just gonna keep it just in case

I see her come out of Starbucks in her uniform and I run downstairs to talk to a dancer

I can feel her eyes on me the next thing I now

She storms out and slams the door behind her

Is she ...upset?

I run after her shouting her name and when she turns around...the look on her face ...

Alaia: I knew it ...just like every guy I have ever been with're just like them

What ?

Alaia: And for a second there I actually liked you and when I found out you were the CEO I was terrified

Alaia: Why would you sleep with me ....we both could in so much trouble

Issac: Don't worry nothing-

Alaia: No, I am quitting before you ruin everything I have worked hard for

Excuse me??

She stormed off toward the building ..and I snatched her back and kissed her until she shoved me off

Alaia: don't act like you want me want that girl ...with her blond hair and blue eyes ...her perfect breats and round ass ...take her then ...see if I give a damn

Issac: I fired her ...because she planted drugs in all the bartenders lockers including yours ...but yours contained the worst one

Issac: I told her to go down the street and find that police car down the street waiting for her

Issac: discreet and not tied to my club

Issac: I was whispering in her ear because I didn't want to cause a scene

She looked shocked and then embarrassed

Alaia: oh ...I'm sorry

Issac: it's alright

Alaia: ok so I won't quit but we really can't see each other again

Issac: why not? You really think the higher ups care ?

Alaia: I just can't be sorry

She walked away but I wanted her and I would try my hardest to make her mine

When it hit exactly 10pm she walked out after refusing a ride home from her friend

I threw the bag over head and carried her to the car

She tried to escape but I kept a tight grip I could her crying

I put her in the back seat and then she passed out

Don't worry love ...your safe with me

The end .

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