The trials and tribulations of decorating a nursery

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Issac pov :

Alaia is three months now and it's getting close to find out the gender

But she is very excited and she wants to decorate the nursery now

I keep telling her we should wait before we paint

But she insisted on white , gold and crystals

Which is gender fluid so I agreed and if I didn't she would have done it anyway

By now everybody knows I am taken and about to be a father but there are just some people who are pushing anyway

Take one of my employees for an example

Her name is Lili she has been in a love with me for a long long time

And after alaia and I reveled she was pregnant with my baby her persistence got worse

She harassed the hell out of alaia and made her cry

So I fired , reported and got her arrested

It will be very hard for her to find a good job again

Why is this important you ask

Oh I'll tell you we had a truck full of stuff for our baby and some girls who are like 12 destroyed all of the items and demanded that I be single again

Boundaries just don't exist to some people is what I'm learning

After that disaster alaia was in terrible fits of anxiety and depression

So I took her to Maui and we had a great time and we came back my security was way better then before and she finally feels safe again

We brought new furniture and today we are buying stuff animals even though her mom offered alaia hers from when she was younger

Alaia: I want my child to have something new ...and I don't want hand me downs unless it's furniture or decor

I didn't argue with her because I get it ...this is our baby

And she wants this baby to feel loved and doesn't want old memories and soul ties from a teddy bear from 40 years ago to bother the baby

After we collected all the goodies we finished decorating and remodeling the room

It was finished in two months and next weekend is our gender reveal

I really hope everything goes well ...

The end.

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