Two peas in a pod

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Issac pov:

After talking outside she and I fell asleep cuddled together with no blanket

I know what your thinking yall not cold?

My patio floors are heated every five minutes

The slight breeze outside actually helped

Plus I covered us with my robe so she was sweating and I was only slightly cold

I woke her up and we both took hot showers in our own bathrooms

Then I got dressed for the day

A blue turtleneck and black pants

I came downstairs to wait for her and she had on

A brown blazer , dark blue Jeans and a white shirt with a ruffled collar

She looked cute and I loved her style

We went to the museum down the street because I have never been and she hasn't been since she was 12

It was pretty chill and then we got ice cream and chilled at the beach

We went home around 4 and we left the house at 1

As we were on my bed cuddling I told her something

Issac: I'm scared too

She looked up at me and I resisted the urge to kiss her

Issac: I've always been worried about someone just wanting me for my money

Issac: it's happened before and I thought you were no different

Issac: I still think it will happen

Issac: I've never been in love ...infatuated? Sure but in love? No

Issac: I want you and I want to be with you but im scared to trust you fully

Issac: this house doesn't have any values expect for my cars

Issac: and that green one belonged to my late cousin

Alaia: I'm sorry for your loss

Issa: it's okay and thank you

Issac : I'm scared just like you ...two peas in a pod

She giggled

Issac: I hope one day you will understand why I did what I did one day

Alaia: I already do ...and my answer is yes

Issac: wait really ??

Alaia: I want to try

I picked her up and kissed her

For the rest of the day I made love to her and she showed her growing love to me

I knew in my heart this would work ... God I hope she doesn't leave me

The end.

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