5 months down and 4 to go

45 0 0

Today is our gender reveal and I am excited slash nervous for two obvious reasons

One I'm finding out the gender of our I also going to find out how many there are

Alaia's stomach is huge only at 5 months and the baby...or babies haven't started to kick yet

They did get the hiccups though ...yes a baby growing in your stomach can get hiccups

The very first time it happened it scared the shit out of us and we thought it was a heartbeat

Luckily it was just hiccups and the little bundle of joy was fine

I am wearing white today and so is Alaia

She comes downstairs looking beautiful and I smile at her hair

It's wrapped with gold plaits and she gives me two on my button up

Alaia: a small blessing from heaven

Issac : could be two love

Alaia: I'm so scared

I gave her a hug and rubbed her back

Issac: your gonna be a great mother love and there is nothing to worry about

Alaia: at our own pace right

Issac: oh...your family is giving you grief about the missing ring on your finger

Alaia: yes ...it is driving me nuts and I can't stand I'm so stressed out

Issac: love look at me this is our family and we do this in our own way at our own pace

Alaia: I know and okay I will relax

Issac: that's good let's go outside now

My aunt came in with 4 black boxes and explained that one continued how many we were having

The other explained the gender / genders

The other two gifts for the baby or babies

Wrapped so we can't see them of course

She gave Alaia and I a bat to open the quanity boxes (how many)

3....2.....1 !


Alaia: omg I knew it !!!

Issac: looks like we're gonna need that other crib after all

Alaia: you owe me ten bucks

I laughed and now it was time to open the genders

Alaia: ouuu I'm nervous

Issac: I'll do it with you come here


One is girl ....and the other is a girl!!!

Issac: oh good God

Alaia was squealing with her younger sister  silver and her mom

I was happy and excited of course but mostly shocked I mean that two of them

Wow ...I am so not ready

I give her a hug and excuse myself

My mom follows me

Mom: spit it out

Issac: im scared ...I don't

Mom: listen to me you are not your father

Mom: I knew that from the minute I birthed you into this world

Mom: I raised you to be everything but what he was

Mom: do you wanna know how else I know you'll be a great father

Issac: how?

Mom: because ...you didn't leave when she told she was pregnant like your father did me

Mom: I was 6 months with you before he came back and he still didn't do much of anything

Issac: yea I know

She cupped my face and patted my head like she used to do when I was younger

Mom: you are not him ...you are better

I nodded and gave her a hug and went back out to Alaia

We danced almost all night before her feet begin to swell

Alaia: thank you everyone

Everyone but immediate family left and we ate takeout and watched movies until they left

Issac: twins huh?

Alaia: yep twins ...lets go pick out that crib

She ran to go put her shoes on and her hair bounced around her shoulders

Then she ran out the door and I hopped to my shoes to catch up to her

I heard her laughing as I chased her and I felt so happy and in love

I really am so lucky to have found her ...

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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