Only three weeks

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Alaia pov:

A: no mom I have not been going to work since January and I wasn't even pregnant then

Mom: sweetheart I am so happy you came to visit

A: I know mom

Mom: he better be treating you right or I'll give him a smack in the mouth

A: no mommy that's not necessary

Mom: mhm mija ....don't you think you should have a ring

A: mommy I already told you that he loves me and I love him

A: we have a baby to worry about and plus I don't want to married while I'm pregnant

Mom: oh would be so beautiful

A: I'm sure but no

Mom: okay fine I'll slow down

A: thank you

- 1 hour later-

Alaia: I swear I feel so smothered

Issac: I understand love so do you want to visit your future mother in law today?

Alaia: hmm honestly what I want to do is go home binge law in order and eat walking tacos

Issac: sounds like a plan

And that's exactly what we did

We made the tacos together and it was the first time we cooked as a family

Issac went out yesterday and brought a Polaroid camera to capture first's like this

When I was putting the lettuce in our bags he came running in with cayenne pepper and dumped a whole bunch in his bag

It was hilarious because it was dry and so it was very hot

He went running to the sink and I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard

- 3 hours later-

After some fun and a hot shower...

Alaia: mhm pregnancy sex is overrated

He snorted on turned on the TV so we could finish binging

Alaia: I'm so sleepy

Issac: good night love

Then he gave a kiss to my cheek and then one to my belly

I fell asleep moments later ...

Issac pov:

Now I can clean

I go into the kitchen and clean up tonight's dinner and as I'm washing dishes I drop the cup on the floor and then I sank to my knees and curled up

I'm really going to be a father in 9 months...I'm scared I don't know how to do this

My father was a piece of shit and everyday I thank God I didn't turn out like him

I became successful at young age and my success grew damn near every year

I will not leave my child like he left me but what if mess up

The baby is only three weeks old and I'm already scared half to death just thinking about it growing up

I really hope I do this right ...alaia is on strong and she accepted this baby with open arms

Meanwhile I'm hesitant because as much as i want a baby

I don't want to screw up ...I just need to be the best father I can be in the hell do I do that....

The end.

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