A small blessing from heaven

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Alaia pov :

I woke up this morning feeling terrible and tired

Last night Issac and I were just all over the place and I'm pretty sure we were in the shower at some point

I don't even remember and I'm getting a headache just thinking about it

Since we had that talk things have been great between us and we still talk about how we feel

Open communication is the healthiest thing in the world

I wanted to make breakfast this morning since he made last night's dinner

Maybe that's what has my stomach acting up ...he did put so much milk in there

I'm not lactose intolerant but damn ease up

I ran to the bathroom and puked damn neqr half my dinner up

Issac: babe!!

Alaia: I'm okay don't come in here

I felt myself get lightheaded

Issac: I'm coming in

He is so hard headed

He walked in and laid my head in his lap

Issac: are you alright

His cold on hands on my head felt so good

Issac: damn momma you're burning up

Alaia: mhm

He grabbed a cloth and turned in the faucet in the tub to get it wet

He placed on my head and I moaned in relief

Issac: yea you might have a fever love

Alaia: can you hand me my phone please

He unlocked it and gave it to me

Alaia: my vision is spotty can you tell me that day this says

Issac: the 18th, February 18th

Alaia: fuck

Issac: whats wrong

Alaia: my period is late

I felt him freeze

Alaia: 14 days late to be exact

Issac: you're?

Alaia: yea I wouldn't doubt it

Alaia: I'm pregnant

-3 hours later -

Alaia: my doctor said to come tomorrow and take a pee test...what are you doing ?

He was grabbing all the wine out the cabinets

Issac: I'm throwing every thing alcoholic away if you can't drink neither will I

I smiled at that ...he is such a sweetheart

Alaia: so you mean you want ?

Issac: yes I want this baby and I want to be with you baby or no baby

I hugged him and he kissed my belly

Issac: this baby ...is a small blessing from heaven

Issac: and we are going to raise it as best we can together

Alaia : I love you

Issac: I love you too ...now

Issac : lets tell our parents

The end.

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