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Alaia pov:

I woke up in a warm bed ...that wasn't mine ...I immediately freaked out

I could feel how fast my heart was beating and I was so scared

I got up and my legs went numb ...paralyzed ...with fear? Or something else ?

I crawled as best as I could toward the door and then someone spoke scaring the shit out of me

Issac: I wouldn't

I jumped up and flopped right back down on my arm


Alaia: what the hell?? Issac??!!

Issac: calm down

Alaia:  you fucking kidnapped me!!

Issac: listen -

Alaia: omg I knew something was off ...

Issac: hey! No no I was not planning this!-

Alaia: bullshit!

Issac: okay look i know your scared-

Alaia: was scared ...now I'm furious

Issac: lets not throw around big words we don't mean ...I'm not gonna hurt you

Alaia: then let me go

Issac: ...no

Alaia: why ...omg is this because I rejected you?? Are you gonna go like serial killer on me??. Am I gonna get chooped up and thrown in the river in a black trash bag

Issac: that is horrifyingly specific ...but no I will not do any of that to you

Alaia: no no I watched criminal Minds okay four times and and this right here is textbook ...minus the fact that your not white and in your late 30s to mid 40s

Alaia: wheres Derek when you need him?

Issac: Alaia calm down please okay ...if I wanted to hurt you ...it'd be done already

I sighed heavily and sat on the bed

Alaia: okay I'll calm down ...where's my phone

Issac: somewhere

Alaia: I need to call my mom and tell her I'm okay

Issac: already did ..and your boss, and your sister and you one and only friend...Ally was it?

Alaia : Amy

Issac: yea that one

Alaia: fine... I'm starving

Issac : your breakfast is on that nightstand over there

Alaia: okay thanks

I ate it very slowly and it was pretty good just eggs and cream cheese toast

I finished and put it down ...

Issac: I'm glad you didn't think it was poison

Alaia: welll i believed what you said earlier ...if you wanted to kill me ...I'd be dead

He sighed and rubbed his head

Alaia: are you hurt ...never mind I don't care

He sighed again

Issac: no not hurt just tired and hungry

Issac: so Im gonna go and you can chill out here for a while

And that's when I looked around and this looked like the perfect room for me

So comfortable and spacious ...the bed was huge but didn't take up space some how

Alaia: wow

I had the softest blanket and I decided to calm down and take a nap

I woke up four hours later to the sound of a piano

I opened the door and walked slowly downstairs

I walked into a closed room and saw my clothes and newer ones there

This must be my closet... nice of him I guess

I found my bathroom and saw my reflection in the mirror ...ewww

I took a hot relaxing shower and then brushed my teeth

I put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed a  long green skirt and a white turtle neck

This is cute

and continued down the hall and found the kitchen and living room

I still heard the piano so I followed the noise and stopped at a room with a half way closed door

I walked in and he was there in white slacks and a button up green shirt

How the hell are we matching ....

I sat down on the red rocking chair and he turned and smiled at me

I glared at him and he laughed

Issac: that's fine ...how was your nap

Alaia: it could have been colder in my room

Issac: your window is locked for now ...sorry love

Alaia: mhm ...I'm starving

Issac: I expected you would be soon enough...come

What am I...a dog

I scoffed and followed him to the kitchen

He gave me some yogurt and fruit and then a apple and I was full

Issac: good now?

Alaia: mhm

Issac: okay well enjoy your day I have to go to work

He grabbed his keys and left ...is he stupid ...I can escape

I ran for the door the knob shocked me

Alaia: what the fuck??

I tried again, and again

By the time I stopped...my hands were red and sore

So I put them in some ice and then bandaged it

I found a bobby pin and twisted it and then I tried to unlock the door

It didn't work instead it shocked me again and the bobby pin fell to the floor

Alaia: hmm taking extra measures huh?

Something told me the windows would be the same so I gave up and found a kdrama on netflix

Even after everything that happened I still found myself wanting him

I realized then that I did and it scared me

I still want him ....

The end.

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