chapter 7

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A thorough investigation was conducted into the attempt to kill Charlotte, and when the soldiers returned from the field Where Charlotte got injured, they found only traces of blood in the place and no trace of anyone there.
Yami and William insisted on hearing Asta words, as he confirmed what Charlotte had said before and they saw a snake tattoo on one of them arm, which confirms that they are from the black snake gang that was starting to rebel against the rule in the country.
They did not understand why they target Charlotte and want to kill her instead of targeting one of the princes.

After Charlotte accident, and for more than a week she remained confined to her room despite her recovery, her hopes of returning to her time were dashed when she did not find that flower, she was lost and collapsed.
Until her mother came to her room and told her that she had to meet with a fashion designer to sew a new dress suitable for the party that the king would hold, and that her nanny would come to help her.
Charlotte would have objected, she's not in the mood to attend the parties, but her mother left no objection.

Charlotte sighed when her nanny entered , she smiled to see her again. In fact, she had not seen her for a long time because she had left home and been busy with her duties as the captain of a magical squad, it seemed that her presence at this time was somewhat useful.
Charlotte sat on a chair and let the nanny do her hair, she was distracted, which the nanny noticed.

"Is everything all right baby?"  The nanny asked, Charlotte nodded.
"Come on, honey, you know you can't lie to me, I've raised you since you were a child, Is it about Philip?"
The nanny asked, passing her hand over Charlotte hair.
Charlotte looked at her skeptically, it seems that her relationship with the nanny has not changed in this time also, as she was close to her and tells her all her secrets, and it seems that it is an opportunity to know something about what happened to Isabelle, she has always been curious to know why she is away from someone who loves her like prince.

"I don't know if they told you that I've lost my memory, and I don't understand anything going on around me and why I'm so cold to the Prince, because it seems we were close at some point" Charlotte muttered, hoping that the argument would be persuasive, so that the nanny could tell her what she knew.
"Oh baby, I'm sorry about what happened to you, I don't know much but if it helps you remember I'll tell you what I know, you and Philip were childhood friends, you grew up together and I suppose you are fell in love at some point, but when Philip turned 15  And responsibilities began to fall on him as the crown prince and the future king , and it seems that the matter affected you and your relationship with him.
You were hesitant , You did not tell me the reason Honestly , but it was something you did not like and you wanted to stay away from, and there was Fernard also who has been in love with you since For a long time and he wanted to get close to you, you tried to go out with him, but I don't know what your feelings were towards him , Despite this, Philip was fall in your love and did not accept to surrender and to move away from you and wanted to get you back and asked you to marry him,
You were like a love triangle and you were lost in choosing between Fernard and Philippe, My dear, you should listen to your heart and choose well from the person you love and will make you happy, and not let circumstances or people influence your decision.”
The nanny took Charlotte hand and was looking at her while she was talking , She was as usual, loving, frank and caring for her.

Charlotte cheeks blushed at the thought that Yami loved her here, and he was honest with her and did not give up despite her distance, but she did not like the idea of ​​Nozel in love with her  Also, that she might have used him to get away from Yami, she doesn't yet know the reason why Isabelle kept Philip away and behaved like this with him, but she will try not to spoil things for her.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door when a girl with pink hair walked in, followed by a number of maids carrying cloth and measuring instruments.
Charlotte opened her eyes, It was Vanessa, the girl from Yami squad, and, ironically, she was the designer of her dresses, which seemed to fit her magic.

After the measurements were taken, Vanessa left and promised her a dress that would make everyone in the kingdom amazed by her beauty.
Asta and Noelle came to visit her, she was really happy to meet them and that Asta is fine and not hurt because of her protection.
"Miss Isabelle, I'm so glad you're fine," Noelle said
"It's all thanks to Sam, Thank you for protecting me" ,Charlotte replied with a smile.
“my lady, sorry for the question, but when we went to a field, you were looking for a rose, and it seemed important to you , May I know what it is? I want to help you.” Asta asked.

"I can't tell you everything, but it's a pink rose that you can tell is magical and very important to me," Charlotte sighed in pain.
"A magical rose, I might help , There is a library in our palace about many things, and I heard that it has books on stories and magical things," Noelle said as she thought.
"Is that right?! Can I go over to her?" Charlotte said after a streak of hope surfaced again.
"I have to ask my brother, because he is responsible for it, and I don't think he would mind your entry," Noelle said with a smile.

In the evening Charlotte went out of her room to diner, and fortunately found Nozel to dine with them.
She sat on the empty seat next to Yami.
“Has your health improved, Isabelle?” Julius asked worriedly.
"Yes, sir, I'm fine," Charlotte replied
"I heard you were attacked by a gang, I wonder why"  William mother said, trying to hide her smile.
Charlotte didn't like this woman and the way she treated her, but she had to keep her calm.
"I have no idea why, fortunately Sam and the maid were with me,"  Charlotte replied, looking at her seriously.

"I don't know why you took that bastard and that fierce maid, Philip was negligent, He should have sent more worthy people with you , I heard that a maid behaves and fights like men, and I also heard that you beat a number of the gang men  , How can a noble woman beat?"  William mother words were Poisonous.

"If it wasn't for that strong soldier and that maidservant strong, I'd be dead now، I wouldn't stand and watch and wait for someone to save me ، I can defend myself ، Any girl should be strong and learn to defend herself". Charlotte replied confidently, she wouldn't allow  anyone to insulting her.
"Sam is a good fighter and I trust him to protect her alone ,and he has brought her back alive," Yami replied angrily.
"Karen No need to said that ,Sam has proven his worth and I will reward him for this, and I'm proud of you Isabelle, because you were able to protect yourself, and that's something girls should learn to protect themselves and not a reason to be ashamed of it," Julius replied, trying to prevent a fight between  His son and wife.

"Honey, I can't believe this, Are you saying that you let girls fight like men? It's insulting and  you let a man train them! I don't think anyone would let their girls do that."
"That's right, after what happened, any girl might be in danger and she should be able to protect herself, and we'll find a way to train them" Julius replied sternly, causing his wife to swallow her words.
"I can handle this ," Charlotte said, causing everyone to look at her.
"Agree," Julius smiled.


When they left the table yami stopped  Charlotte,
“so you want to train girls, I like the idea of ​​having an army of girls.”
"Are you making fun of me?" Charlotte replied, puffing her cheeks in displeasure.
Yami laughed at her reaction,
"Of course not, I trust you and you will be good at this as long as you are strong and you will succeed."
Charlotte looked at him and smiled because he praised her.

Then she noticed that Nozel was watching them
"Can I ask you something," Charlotte said.
"Noelle told me you wanted to go to the library, were you looking for something?"  Nozel asked.
Charlotte  thanked Noelle in her mind for getting rid of the embarrassment of the question.
"Nothing in particular, I like to read books ," Charlotte lied, unable to tell him the truth.
"You can come tomorrow," Nozel replied
"It would be great," Charlotte was so excited that she forgot Yami was there.

"Where are you planning to go?I won't let you go to this man palace alone" Charlotte could sense the anger in Yami voice."
"Don't worry, I'll be with her and protect her," Nozel replied.
"Don't worry I'll be fine, I really need to go there and I'll be back in the evening I promise," Charlotte whispered as she grabbed his arm for to calm him down.

Yami gives up، He won't refuse her request, but that won't give Nozel a chance to fry with her alone.
"Okay, but Sam will go with you and won't leave you even for a moment, and I'll come pick you up in the evening."  Yami replied.
"I agree" Charlotte replied with a smile, she was nervous and happy not only that she might find a way back, but that she was now able to get close to Yami and touch him without getting nervous or running away from him.

To be continued.....

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