chapter 8

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The next day, Charlotte went to the palace where Noelle and her brothers lived, and was accompanied by Asta and Sol.
Charlotte was just thinking if she can find something in their library.
She entered the palace and Nozel offered her to have lunch before going to the Library But Charlotte refused, she wanted to start searching quickly, and find something that would lead her on her way back to her time , Especially since Yami will come in the evening to take her So there is no time.

She thought it was easy until she walked into the Library, She was looking around in admiration.
It was a very large and well organized library ، She admire that , and that made Nozel brags in front of her and talks about the effort he made in the library .
Noelle persuaded her brother to go and she would stay here for any help and And to remain wake,  so that no one inadvertently destroys books.
Charlotte spent the rest of the day looking for anything about that flower or a transition to an alternate world The rest helped her and Without asking why, because they owed her one way or another.
She was glad they didn't ask for an explanation .

Charlotte did not pay attention to the time, and she was busy searching and remained without food until Noelle put a plate of cake in front of her, and she felt hungry .
She was upset because she couldn't find anything, the books were in a library divided by type of books, so it was supposed to be sBut Charlotte couldn't find anything.

"Come on, don't despair, we'll find what you're looking for, we still have books to look for," Noelle said encouragingly.
" Thank you, but it's the evening that I have to leave" , Charlotte muttered before getting up to leave, as Yami came To take her .
He was standing with Nozel and the hostility was clear between them .

“I hope you like our library,” Nozel said with smile.
"More than you can imagine, I've always wanted to come here, I've loved it", Charlotte was trying to get an excuse to come again, even if it was by tricks.
" Why don't you come tomorrow, there's a special section on books you haven't seen yet, and the nanny will bring you a special cake", Noelle tried .
an opportunity that Nozel will not lose to get close to her, and he confirmed his sister invitation.
Yami was going to object, but Charlotte immediately agreed, which angered him.

Charlotte kept going to that library for a few days Search under several arguments.
This makes Yami lose his mind, he was drinking Before he went to get Charlotte, he wanted to put an end to that farce 
at evening Charlotte was in the library and was losing hope of finding anything until she noticed locked door .
Noelle told her that it is a private section that no one enters except her brother because it contains important books for him 
It was her last hope,  and Noelle went to tell her brother Charlotte request .
Nozel let her in with him because she's special to him but alone, he wouldn't let anyone else, not even his sister enter this place.

Charlotte walked in with him and started looking around, it wasn't a small place but it was organized and like a room ، And she stopped when she saw a picture of a woman on one of the walls , now she knew why Noelle was not allowed to enter her The picture of her mother acier.
“What do you think of the place,” Nozel asked.
"it's nice and warm" Charlotte replied She has to focus now on finding the book and leaving before Yami comes, because he wouldn't like Asta leaving her here alone even if she was with Nozel.

“Can I look at books?” Charlotte asked  Nozel nodded and watching her while she was walking between the bookshelves  and asked "What are you looking for?" .
She didn't want to tell him but maybe he knows more about the place, so she should accept his help .

"Something about fairy tales and flowers," Charlotte muttered, trying not to say everything And she raised her toes to look at the upper shelf, in which she noticed books about legends  .
"Flowers and fairy tales, that really suits you," Nozel said in a calm voice , Charlotte felt he close to her, and when she looked over her shoulder, he was standing behind her , She panicked for a moment and turned her body against him and hit her back on a bookshelf.

Nozel approached her too much, But he extended his hand to a shelf above her and started looking for something.
Nozel took out a book and gave it to her ، she looked between him and the book in his hand, and took it from him when she saw its title it was talking about the story of a man who traveled through time, and it was a picture of a pink rose on its cover.

She smiled when she saw it, it was just what she were looking for .
" Thank you, may I take it with me?”  Charlotte asked.
“Of course, and you can come back to take anything else out of this room if you want,” Nozel said And he's getting close to her .

Charlotte tried to get as far away as her place was allowed to ،  this situation was  uncomfortable for her,  she had never imagined in her life that she would be so close to Nozel ، And it seemed he enjoying being so close to her .
" I have to go " Charlotte could say .
“Why?  stay here with me tonight?” Nozel whispered to her, making her nerves tense and she wanted to push him, but she heard a voice that made her freeze.

"Am I interrupting something?" Yami angry voice was enough to make Nozel move away ، she finally breathed , But her relief was not long when she met Yami eyes, the fire was burning inside it.
Looks like he misunderstood the situation, she wanted to explain what happened but it didn't look like Yami was in the mood so she wanted to leave before disaster happen.

"No, nothing happened until you interrupted it , I was waiting for you to leave,"  Charlotte said, walking toward Yami , And she was going to leave the room, but Yami didn't move, and when she looked at him, he was looking at Nozel with killer eyes .
" shall we go ?" Charlotte said in one last attempt, Yami moved past her and  ran out of the room quickly without talking to her , Charlotte chased after him, and Asta and Sol quickly followed.

Yami didn't talk to her all the way to The castle , She could feel his wrath, when they arrived he asked her to precede him inside , she obey him but when she Get away from them A little ، She could hear his voice screaming at Asta in anger because he left her alone with Nozel , She didn't understand why he was angry it was a safe place.
She gave the book to Sol and asked her to put it in her room and waited for Yami, she didn't want Asta to get into trouble because of her.
She was waiting for yami, but when he passed he tried to avoid her, but she tried to stop him.

"Why did you yell at that boy like that, you don't have a right to this! And I wasn't alone! , You don't have to be afraid "
Sparks were flying from his eyes when she looked at him,
"That's right, you weren't alone." Yami shouted loudly, but he noticed where he was in the palace that people watching them, He grabbed Charlotte arm and pulled her behind him, his fist hurting But Charlotte couldn't complain.
He pushed her into a corridor that no one could pass through, pressed her against a wall, and slammed his fist against a wall near her head.

This made Charlotte afraid of Yami .
" If you wanna go to that bastard to enjoy with him, You could have said that frankly, and I would have walked away and I wouldn't have sent anyone with you to take your comfort with  him, you don't need to make me an idiot and I come to get you out from there when  you finish what are you doing" , Yami tone was very frightening, but she also felt pain in it, it seems that his jealousy of Nozel increased, she did not blame him, especially after he saw her in that shameful situation with him , But her pride won, she wouldn't allow him to insult her.
" I was not having fun there , and there is nothing between me and that man except in your imagination, So stop accusing me of such lies” , Her tone was resolute and she looked at him seriously .

Yami smiled a sarcastic smile and walked away from her and left the place without saying anything.
That situation was painful for Charlotte, she returned to her room while dragging the tail of disappointment and pain, Yami thought that she was cheating on him, and instead of correcting it for him, she made it worse , She went into her room, wiping her tears, and picked up the book that Sol had placed on the table and began to read it.
She has to go back to her time , she messed it up enough here to Isabelle  And she couldn't stand it any longer .

What Yami and Charlotte didn't know was that someone was watching them from behind , And he crept to a room a little far away, where he found the Queen waiting for him .
" When are you going to kill her?"  the queen asked impatiently .
“I think I found a better way to destroy him than to kill Isabelle ” , The man said with a malicious smile .
" Really"  the Queen said, and began to pay attention to him, as she heard the details of the plan to get rid of Philip and keep him out of the way.

To be continued....

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