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This is a Marvel x Miraculous story and it will be a Peternette story. This story takes place before the Civil war movie. I don't know much about Marvel so if I get something wrong please tell me and I will fix it.

Anyway I have yet to watch the new Spiderman movie yet so I won't be going off of it or of season 4 of Miraculous as I have only watched the first few episodes and haven't had a chance to watch the rest yet so please no spoilers.

This is my first Peternette story. I normally write Maribat and Adrinette books so if you are interested you can find them on my account.

I have read a few Peternette stories, most of which were one shots and other Spiderman stories before I began writing so I have some idea of what I'm writing.

All my books have no swearing / cursing in them. I am aware Tony Stark swears but there will be none of it in this book.

This book is about a training exercise between Steve and Tony. They had split everyone onto two teams which would compete in a game similar to hide and seek. After a long match, Cap had won and Tony wanted a rematch.

Sadly everyone was tired and had places to be so they agreed to have a rematch in a month's time except this time Thor and T'challa could not join as they were needed home.

So Tony had a month to find two heroes that would fight on his team.

Starting away on finding a hero as his first option is Peter the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. The kid would gladly help him out if he asked.

Now he only has to find a second hero, after a lot of research he has found a hero, one that had just defeated her own villain a little less than a week ago.

She would be perfect, for his team but a slight problem; how would he get her in New York for the rest of the summer without it looking suspicious.

During her time in New York, she and Peter quickly bond and become friends, will that soon turn to more.

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