Chapter 6

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Tony's perspective

Turning to look at the apartment entrance I saw a girl with black hair that oddly looked dark blue in the light come through the door as she spoke to her parents about the bakery being closed.

I looked over at her and she had some asian features which she must have gotten from her parents and from what I could tell she was a teenager according to the background check she was the same age as Peter.

She had bright blue bell eyes, but they looked distant and closed off as she was hiding something, she was just like Peter hiding the fact she was a hero from her parents she was fighting a battle alone with just her partner.

Who is now in another country? I hadn't looked much into her school record past the fact she was a straight A student, and if her parents let her I could get her enrolled in midtown with a lot of convincing from Pepper if she wanted to stay in New York.

"Tony" Pepper spoke snapping her fingers in front of my face, "sorry, I spaced out you were saying"

"Sabine, Tom and I are going out to get some fresh air so that we can talk about conditions if Marinette agrees and I thought you could tell her why we're here today." she said getting up and smoothing out her outfit.

I watched them as they walked, hearing the familiar clicking of Pepper's heels fade out as she had left the apartment.

Marinette's perspective

I watched as the strawberry blonde, who I had just found out was Pepper, left with my parents.

I looked across from me and there against the couch was some tanned guy with back hair, a moustache and a weird looking beard.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" I stated simply I had been left in the middle of the living room with some guy I had never met and in case he did turn out to be crazy I could take him out. Mama had shown me some self defence when the akumas started appearing.

That and Tikki was always an option if need be. "You don't know who I am?" the guy said shocked he leaned back putting a hand to his face in a thinking pose.

"That's a first kid normally by now people would be stuttering or asking some questions about me being Iron man" he started rubbing his temples in thought.

"You mean that tin can that some rich guy goes flying around in" I said I had heard of Iron man but seriously have you seen his suit it was awful.

It was like saying I'm right here and have no idea what I'm doing so I chose red and gold for my suit. Did the guy know anything about stealth or did he just have some big ego.

"Like your is any better seriously bright red and the black polka dots it's like a child's onesie" he retorted looking back at me wasn't he just staring at me mouth agape.

What red polka dots- he couldn't of figured it out "I'm sorry what red polka dots are you- oh you mean Ladybug right" I tried to play it off. I had gotten better at lying through the years but still I wasn't the greatest. 

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