Chapter 8

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Marinette's perspective

We stayed silent for a few minutes, with him eating the final few macaroons as I thought it over. "So what do you say kid you in?" he said leaning back on the couch.

The guy was clearly who he claimed to be as he was wearing a designer suit, I just couldn't think of the brand off the top of my head. It was an American though, he had a Rolex on his left arm and most important he created a goblet out of the watch.

So the chances of him being a liar were zero to point zero, zero. If I went I had a chance to be a personal designer, a chance to be more than a designer to Jagged Stone here and there I would get a proper chance in the fashion world.

Where my clothes would be seen on international television not only that but I would be trained to fight, and be able to keep the miraculous safe, as much as I hate to say it but there was no chance I could turn down this offer without regretting it for the rest of my life.

The guy was a billionaire and if he thought I had a chance in the world to survive in the cut throat world of fashion, I had to make sure I wasn't a fool to let him down like Audrey but I had things in Paris that needed to be taken care of at that time.

Now the only thing tying me down was... was Adrien the guy was my best friend. I couldn't leave him in the hands of that wrench of a liar that's like leaving the predator to kill its prey.

He had been defending me all this time, protecting me on the field. I couldn't leave him because he was my partner.

"I...I'm not sure that this is what I want" I started slowly, my voice quiet he stopped nibbling on what would be his what 20th macaroon trust me they were good and he clearly knew it.

Pulling the macaroon away from his lips he stared at me, "why not, if you want to increase your salary say the word it's not exactly hard" he stated with a chuckle eating the rest of the macaroon.

He was going to pay me, of course he was but that was far from the reason I had declined the offer. "No you see, Adrien Chat he's my partner I couldn't leave him here after losing his father" I say looking down at my hands.

Stark stared at me as though he was analysing me like I was some kind of science equation that he was trying to solve. "If you really want tom cat to be with you that badly give him a call he can join us in New York" the billionaire stated taking a sip of water.

I was shocked this guy was willing to take Adrien to New York if it meant me taking up his offer to be trained, honestly I felt like he had a ulterior motive but I didn't know what to say

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