Chapter 4

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Marinette's perspective

That entire lesson whenever the teacher stopped talking the class would ask about Lila's weekend and how the charity event with Prince Ali went and how it was working with him.

Not to say the teacher gave them two weeks worth of detention for all the talking and told them the next person to talk without permission would be going to the principal's office.

By the time class ended for the first session I walked out of class and saw most of the class glaring at me and Lila shedding a couple fake tears, whatever it was it had to be bad if the class were purposely trying to trip me or bump into me in the halls.

I quickly walked into the room, one more miserable week then finally an entire summer aways from these people before having to do another year of school again next year but hopefully with a new class.

Walking into history class I took my seat at the back and pulled out my history book, luckily the teacher would always post online what we were going to do or were supposed to do, so while they listened to lies I got actual work done.

After a miserable hour of history the bell rang and I walked out of class, instead of going to the cafeteria, I went to the library and started working on some english homework I had yet to finish.

The oly thing I ended up getting out of history was something about Lila meeting the queen and going to London. Seriously, I spent 40 minutes doing the work and was left for 20 mins with nothing to do. It was a nightmare.


The day dragged on and it was so boring after finally finishing the last class of the day I walked out of class, Lila seemed to have forgotten about me today. The only thing the class did was glare and try to trip me.

Crossing the street I see a very expensive car parked across from the bakery and as I go to open the door it doesn't budge looking closer I see the closed sign.

Why were they closed at this time of day, this was normally one of the main rush hours when students and parents would come buy something after work or school.

Waking around to the entrance of the apartment building, I walk in. What was going on? The only time they would close early was for a birthday, holiday or if they ran out of pastries or something like that.

Seeing our apartment door, I grabbed my spare key from my bag and slipped it in, "Mama, papa, why was the bakery closed and did you see the car parked across the street from us?" I called out.

Walking in I lock the door behind me and find mama and papa sitting there with a man and a woman. The man was dressed in a suit and had brown hair, the woman was a strawberry blonde and was also wearing a suit both of which were facing away from me.

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