Chapter 9

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Marinette's perspective

Reaching into my jeans pocket, I pulled out my phone and called Adrien. The billionaire watched me as I listened to the phone ring for a few moments then after the third ring I heard the word 'hello' come from the phone.

"Hey, are you busy right now?" I ask nervously, not sure how to start this very interesting conversation, "kind of, why?" he asked kind of I didn't have time to ask.

"I have someone here, he's offered me a job and possibly one for you as well, he wants to talk to you as I said I didn't want to leave you behind" I stated the last part more in a whisper.

"Umm sure, do you want me to talk to him now?" the blonde asked and I answered with a yeah before handing the phone to the billionaire.

Who clicked the speaker button and placed the phone down on the table, clearing his throat, he began.

"Mr Agreste, I have offered a very prestigious offer to your friend, if she were to accept she would be leaving by the end of the week and moving into Avengers tower where she would be trained to fight as Ladybug with and without the suit" he said taking a breath.

I heard a soft gasp from the across the line, along with "your iron man." Was that all he heard not the fact that he knew our identities but the fact that he flew around in a gold and red suit made of metal.

"Yes, I am your friend, didn't know who I was," Stark said with an amused grin, "Mari how do you not know who he is?" Adrien said with a voice of disbelief. "That's not important right now, I came to you as your friend is hesitant to leave you behind." Tony stated.

The two waited for a moment to see what would happen "wait she said no to being trained by the avengers because of me" Adrien said realising the rest of what had been said earlier.

"Yes, as well as being my personal designer over the summer and transferring to Midtown if she would like." Mr Stark says, listening to the static coming from the phone.

"Marinette, you have to do this, you get to be a fashion designer not only that the world gets to see your work and you become an even better Ladybug ." I went to protest but he knew me far too well.

"Don't argue with me on this, trust me you'll be great also I just found out my aunt kind of transferred me to my cousins school in London so you don't have to feel guilty about leaving me behind" the blonde spoke through the line.

Adrien was going to be transferred to London so he could be with his family, I guess I could go. My parents would be fine without me. They had the new bakery to keep them busy and their minds off me what was there to lose by taking this chance. 

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