𝟎𝟎𝟑. the ways of society

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              IT WAS NOTHING NEW, as astrid sipped her tea and her ladies in waiting complained and filled her in on palace and high society gossip, "your imperial highness does not understand!" odessa exclaimed, "his majesty is entrusting her majesty to find rashta ladies-in-waiting!"

astrid burst into a fit of giggles, "the nobles take very much pride in their status and family heritage ── considering rashta's questionable origin, it would be a disgrace to them to serve her!"

verena nodded in agreement, "all those girls would rather serve commoners than someone with a questionable origin," 

kalliste kept a straight face but then whispered to astrid, "it would be quite interesting to see how they react, no?"

astrid nodded and sipped her tea, "indeed, it would be very interesting,"

────  the food was decadent and it was an event never to miss ─ empress navier's tea parties. astrid was late, but as she joined, the noblewomen and their daughters beamed at the sight of her. she was a real fan favorite. "hello, ladies. i apologize for being so late," astrid smiled, sliding into the seat opposite navier's.

"not at all, your imperial highness," one of the girls replied excitedly

"agreed! and what do we owe you the pleasure of your invitation to this magnificent tea party?" another one asked.

"you are all much too kind. i've invited you all here because i need your help," navier replied honestly as the ladies huddled around navier, waiting for her to reveal the favor. "his majesty is searching for a lady-in-waiting to attend to his soon-to-be mistress," navier revealed as there was a sudden mood shift. "would any of you be willing to become her lady-in-waiting?"

"um... do you mean lady rashta?"

"to be honest she's all anyone's been talking about lately ── her and her status as a runaway slave,"

"i'd find it difficult to agree to become a commoner's lady-in-waiting, let alone a runaway slave,"

"i'd die of embarrassment if i had to become a runaway slave's lady-in-waiting," astrid nodded in understanding. who would want to serve a wench like rashta?

── she was reading when a tap was heard on her window "i was expecting you to come sooner or later," she hummed as she opened the window, and the yellow eagle with brilliant purple eyes entered. suddenly, it was no bird, but a very handsome, naked man. not turning around to look, astrid rolled her eyes, "put something on, will you?"

heinrey chuckled, "i put something on, you can turn around now," he told her as she turned around and embraced the blonde man.

"what are you doing here, you little rascal?" astrid laughed before ushering heinrey to sit down. "how is your brother?" astrid continued as heinrey sighed, shaking his head ── he did not want to speak about it. "and duke ergi?" astrid asked, her heart skipping a beat as heinrey shrugged. "you are being awfully quiet," astrid continued as heinrey did seem dazed.

"you have a very beautiful sister-in-law," heinrey murmured

"oh, navier? yes, she is very beautiful," astrid agreed, she then groaned, "don't even consider making her your lover,"

"why?" heinrey asked, his face falling

astrid sighed, "all i ask is that you don't go for my sister-in-law. i treasure her, a lot. and you know you won't get a happy ending together. so please don't bother hurting her and yourself," she frowned as heinrey stayed silent, "but i won't stop you from being her friend," astrid nodded as heinrey grinned at her before the two friends continued to talk.

── that evening, astrid decided to pay rashta a visit. "her imperial highness, the imperial princess astrid of the first rank!" the butler announced as the princess came strutting into the chambers.

rashta and her maid came rushing to astrid and greeted her. "oh! hello princess! why are you here─?"

"stop talking," astrid stated coldly as rashta faltered, "i am not here to play games with you. i am only here to warn you. only this once," rashta frowned as the princess moved towards her as she took a step back, falling into the chair soveishu had given her.

"i want you to know your place," astrid smiled, "here, you are a bottom feeder. you may have the favor of my brother for a moment, but as soon as another pretty girl catches his attention, you are nothing. you are a mere mistress. mistresses come and go, but the empress is a title that stays until death, do you hear me?" rashta's eyes welled with tears. 

"your emperor won't be able to protect you from my wrath. soveishu fears my wrath. i want you to keep that in mind when you walk through these palace walls. you are in my territory. i have spies all over this castle. one wrong move, and i will know," astrid smiled kindly, "have a good night,"

──  later that night, as she prepared to go to bed, the butler came in. "his majesty requested to see you, your imperial highness,"

"doesn't soveishu know better than to bother me before bed?" astrid complained before finally nodding, "send him in,"

"sister," soveishu greeted, bowing his head lightly, "i heard you came and threatened rashta,"

"i did not ─ merely warning her. but even if i did, what are you going to do?" astrid challenged

"i am your emperor there are many things i could do to you,"

"you may be the eastern empire's emperor, but to me, you're just my scrawny, pathetic, incompetent little brother," astrid said, "i should've never let you have my crown," she groaned, lying down on her bed.

"the choice is already made," soveishu said stiffly ── but he knew astrid was right. no matter what his title was, he was always going to be the incompetent twin brother who could never measure up to his perfect sister.

"it is never too late," astrid replied, "i'm very disappointed in you. you are using your heart to make decisions, and i told you never to do that,"

"i will do what's best for the empire," her brother told her stiffly.

"i hope you do," astrid nodded, "because if you don't I'll just take it back and do it myself,"

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