𝟬𝟭𝟳. good and bad news.

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               THAT MORNING, astrid had recieved good and somewhat bad news. kalliste handed her her cup of tea and she grabbed it and took a long sip. "your imperial highness, lord kosair has returned to the capital," kalliste infromed her, "and grand duke kaufman is here to see you,"

 astrid perked up, "let him in," she said. the grand duke came in and bowed, astrid got up and greeted him, "why have you come to pay me a visit?" she asked

"the reason i came to visit your imperial highness today is to inform you that i will be leaving the eastern empire," the grand duke said

"but what about the trade deal and establishing diplomatic relations? if you leave now..." astrid frowned

"his majesty does not want any of that. diplomatic relations cannot be established without your brother's consent,"

reyna scowled, "just wait another year..." she grumbled, "i had worked so hard all for this to crumble? it's so unfair... when i'm emperor─" she cut herself off and glanced at the grand duke who just chuckled but then he frowned at the expression on her face

"please don't be disappointed," the grand duke said, "please, i'll be heartbroken if i see you looking so disappointed,"

astrid nodded, "so, what are your future plans?" she asked, going back to sit down and sipping her tea

"i plan to find another territory i can make a deal with. it doesn't make a difference to luipt whichever territory it establishes diplomatic relations with. i also plan to look for a way to get rid of the effects of the potion at the same time,"

"good luck," astrid said, "that was half-true," she added as the grand duke burst out laughing, "i shouldn't have said that..." she grumbled to herself

"don't worry, it was very cute," the grand duke said, grinning before falling silent. after a few moments he spoke up again, "come with me," he said, "come with me to luipt. i can ensure a life free from any cares or worries and instead be filled with joy and wonderful things,"


"if you agree, i will make all the necessary preparations. so please, come with me," he said, extending his hand out. 

astrid frowned and took his hand into hers, "i wish i could say yes," she began, "but i cannot. i can't leave my nation like this,"

the grand duke nodded in understanding, "i know you must safeguard your crown. one day you'll take it back, won't you?"

astrid nodded, not bothering to lie, "how about this," she said, patting his hand, "when i am emperor and if you still love me, i'll find you?"

the grand duke nodded, and slowly, he pulled his hands from hers. "may i embrace you once, just before i leave?"

astrid nodded, "of course," 

the grand duke strode to her and pulled her into a tight hug, burying his face into her shoulder. astrid awkwardly patted his back as he retreated and bowed before leaving the room. as he got to the door, he paused and turned to her, astrid faltered, seeing the redness in his eyes. 

she sank into her seat and rubbed her temples when the doors opened and came the familiar voice, "azzy!" kosair cheered as astrid instantly brightened and perked up. behind him came two men with stacks of presents. 

astrid got up and ran to the man and jumped into his embrace, "kos!" she grinned, smelling the familiar scent. 

"az, your shoulders are damp," kosair said, letting her go and touching her shoulder. 

astrid frowned and brushed it off ── was the grand duke really crying? "it's probably my drool," she shrugged as kosair laughed, "i want to open my gifts!" she added excitedly. 

astrid admired all of the gifts she received. she had received a couple of peacock feather quills, an assortment of bread, jewels, silks, and other adorable knick-knacks. astrid smiled, and turned to kosair, "you spoil me too much," she told him, he grinned. 

"of course," kosair nodded, "why would i not?"

astrid shrugged, she noticed that look in his eye and frowned, "what? you seem upset," she asked

kosair scowled, "you know i hate your brother don't you?" 

astrid nodded, "i do, i hate him sometimes too," astrid shrugged, "why?"

"i just can't beleive he took in a mistress. is my sister not good enough for him?" kosair asked, huffing in anger, 

"she's too good for him," astrid nodded

"navier has to host a banquet in her honor, that bum-head sovieshu really is pushing it too far,"

astrid laughed, but then she leaned close to him, "you know, if you go saying these things out for everyone to hear, you'll be executed," she whispered in a mocking tone. 

kosair smirked, "but i'll have the empress and the imperial princess of the first rank to save me, won't i?"

"you rely to much on being the empress's brother and the princess' companion. i don't care what chaos you cause, but i'd like to keep my reputation clean, thanks," astrid said, grinning it felt good to see him again, so good.

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