𝟎𝟏𝟎. siblings, bound by blood.

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            ASTRID, watched as the two women had a small standoff. the empress had said something incoherant, taken off her mast and brushed past rashta before making her way up the stairs. astrid got up as the two women curtsied to one another, "greetings, imperial sister-in-law," they chorused as they then took their respective seats. 

astrid listened as all the nobles and commoner's began to whisper. who copied who? some said it was navier who copied rashta ── because she had come in later, or that she had done it to screw the emperor's lover over and other's said it was rashta ── because why would the empress do that if it was going to make both of them the laughingstock of the empire? laura, navier's lady-in-waiting was fuming, "do all concubines act like this!? it makes my blood boil,"

verena nodded her head, "i agree,"

odessa turned to navier's head lady-in-waiting, "countess eliza, is this how other concubines behave? I'm so angry!"

"because concubines are legal, it's hard to touch them when they are favored. many concubines have done worse, lady odessa."

"how could it be worse?"

"if you look at the previous empresses—"

countess eliza suddenly paused, covering her mouth with her fan and looking at something over navier's shoulder. astrid turned her head and found sovieshu entering the room. he had disregarded the dress code and dressed in a plain suit, while rashta gleefully rushed to his side.

"your majesty!" she called out to him in a sweet voice. her eyes were red as she clung to sovieshu and told him something, but astrid couldn't make it out from here. however, he glanced in navier's direction, and their eyes met. naveir smiled wanly at him and nodded. rashta also looked at navier as she hung to sovieshu's arm, and the empress gave her a nonchalant smile as well, then deliberately turned away towards countess eliza. astrid frowned and could hear the chatter of the young men and women excited to see the emperor and rashta up close.

astrid ignored everything around her, and began to silently round up her supporters. all of them had scattered around the ballroom and with their half covered faces, it was nearly impossible. but astrid was smart and had devised a plan, all of her supporters would wear masks on sticks, it would be easier for her to spot them out. and so one by one, she found each and every one of them. 

"your imperial highness," kalliste murmured to astrid as she perked up. kalliste jerked her head, and astrid's head whirled towards the direction ─ sovieshu was approaching. he must be coming here to sit next to her and navier. rashta still clung to his arm.

"ha ha ha, i was so surprised when the empress and miss rashta came in with the same dress!"

"actually, miss rashta wore it first and then the empress appeared."

"but it looks different because they each have a different aura."

astrid smiled at her brother's next remark, "yes, it's incredible. i asked the empress to come in a red dress." at least he still knew that he needed to protect the empress' reputation. her husband approached her, then leaned over to kiss her cheek. "you are beautiful beyond imagination, empress. thank you for granting my request."

"whatever color you wish, simply say it." navier nodded

"oh...it was the emperor's request." the man beside sovieshu looked embarrassed, but then he quickly smiled and amended his words.

"It's nice to see you two lovebirds get along so well." astrid commented

the group surrounding rashta exchanged nervous glances with each other. rashta's expression, on the other hand, was dark. even with sovieshu by her side, she looked unhappy. astrid finally got up, and all her supporters began to slowly but surely leave the ballroom, one by one. 

she turned to her brother and sister-in-law curtsied and said, "excuse me, i think i'll retreat to my palace. i am very tired,"

she was surprised to see her brother smiling at her ── it had been a while since she's seen him so happy, well when he was in her presence at least, "please, imperial sister," he smiled, "stay, for the festivities have only begun,"

astrid returned his smile, "i'm sorry to disappoint my imperial brother, but i am very tired,"

sovieshu shook his head and dismissed it, "very well. it's your lost, princess. you'll miss out on the festivities," he shrugged

astrid grinned, "i'll be sure to have you fill me on all the fun things that happen tomorrow," with one last curtsy, she left with her ladies-in-waiting following behind her. 

── sitting around the round table, astrid sat in the middle, in the throne-like chair as nobles surrounded her. she had accumilated almost every important figure in politics ─ the minister of the revenue, the minister of internal affiars, the minister of diplomatic affairs, she had practically full control over the millitary, her spies were everywhere, and every prominent figure in the nobility had supported her. 

rylan roth, the grand duke of winchester and third in line to the throne was the first to speak up, "your imperial highness. forgive me for my insolence, but if his majesty continues to rule─"

"i know what you are thinking grand duke," astrid said irritably, rubbing her temples, "i know what everyone here is thinking. you all want me to sieze power immediatly,"

there was a silence of confirmation and astrid angrilly banged her fist onto the table, startling the nobles as everyone bowed their heads, "that stupid idiot..." she murmured, "i was initially planning to just be the hidden power but now it seems like i have to show myself,"

the duke of tarital and laura's father spoke up, "your imperial highness, it is known among all the continents that you are the rightful and true ruler of our empire. why must you hide any longer? if you say your command, his majesty could fall at any moment,"

astrid nodded in agreement, she knew she held that sort of power, but then she shook her head, "i don't want to harm my brother," she stated, everyone fell silent, forgetting the sibling bond between her and the emperor

"your imperial highness," duchess tuania spoke, "there is no reason to harm his majesty ── all we are strongly suggesting is that you must make a move. to preserve our beloved empire,"

"you all forget i am in debt to sovieshu," astrid remarked as there was a moment of shock and disbelief. 

"what do you mean your highness?" a baron finally asked

astrid smiled bitterly as if recalling a bad memory, "don't you all remember? how i had run away from my responsibility? ── i had forced my poor brother who had no training into a life of rules and regulations. i had chained him to a throne, i had locked him into a golden cage. i had destroyed his life,"

"not exactly, your imperial highness," a marquis spoke up, "you had also given him honour beyond belief,"

astrid laughed, "that's the small perk he received when he was titled. but would you really carry the weight on an empire just for some silly honor?"

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