𝟎𝟐𝟐. the northern kingdom

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NEWS REACHED ASTRID THAT THE COUPLE HAD MADE IT SAFELY, and as her nobles gathered around her, astrid didn't bother discussing foreign affairs. "firstly, i want someone to volunteer," she spoke, "for a secret project," she added carefully.

"may your imperial highness be more specific," duchess vega spoke up.

"i will need to group of people to accompany me to the northern kingdom,"

there was a small gasp among the group, the northern kingdom had never been a huge part of worldly affairs, and had mostly kept to themselves. But little knew that the northern kingdom was a place full of landmines, and farmland, if exposed to the outside world, the northern kingdom would hold the world's economy. then several nobles stepped forward ── volunteering. after the group was selected, astrid began to explain in detail. "one of my first orders of business as emperor or empress regent is that i want to expand eastern empire territory,"

"but doesn't that mean a military──" the minister of the military spoke before astrid cut him off.

"it's been well known that the northern kingdom is slowly going to fall── i hear their king is selling off land for an incredibly cheap price," astrid explained, "i will go up there to see it for myself,"

"of course,"

──── after astrid was allowed to leave the empire for her travels with a group of her close friends who were really the people assisting her in the secret mission. they spent months traveling, but their food supply never ran short and their spirits were high. astrid looked around in awe, the views were splendid. As stood there, amongst the vast mountains and the cold air she sighed. "your imperial highness," sir azriel, the head of the imperial guard said, interrupting her thoughts, "We've almost arrived," astrid nodded and got back onto her black horse and began to ride into wherever the civilization was.

when they finally made it into the city, astrid realized that this was all there was. the city was rural but it looked very interesting ── full of bamboo and its most unique features ── wooden buildings are the heavy ceramic tiled roofs with wide eaves and slightly upturned corners.

and everyone was dressed interestingly. unlike the entourage that have just arrived, these people were dressed all the same in colorful embroidered robes yet there were a few small differences.

the men wore pants under their robes with slits at the front, the back, and down the sides and a belt around their waist and the men wore hats or were mostly bald with a long braid cascaded down their backs. and they carried with them a sword and a fan with small embellishments to their robes.

the women had large sleeves, a skirt, odd-looking heels that must've hurt, and their hair was perhaps the most astounding thing about them. they all wore larger-than-life hairdos, decorated with the most exquisite, hairpieces that seemed to have been made of bronze and gemstones like aquamarine. and their pinky and ring fingers were adorned with large claw-like bronze nail accessories.

( think of the qing dynasty clothing when reading the descriptions here )

as the entourage passed, everyone looked at them curiously, astrid supposed to them, the entourage must've also looked quite odd. they arrived at the palace gates, "who are you?" the guards asked, shouting.

"i am the imperial princess astrid of the first rank of the eastern empire. i am here to meet with the king," astrid replied loudly ── she wondered if people in such a rural area knew of her. but surprisingly, the guard's eyes widened in recognition and he let her in with her entourage of people

when they arrived, they were greeted by a group of quite experienced-looking servants, "we greet her imperial highness, the imperial princess astrid of the first rank ──── his majesty requested we get all of you ready for the throne room audience," the maid who stood in the front said.

the group agreed and got off their horses and followed a maid into their own separate chambers, while the horses and the many carriages with precious things were carefully handled by the valets.

astrid entered the chamber and took in the beautiful decorations ── intricate and exotic looking. "very beautiful decorations," she murmured, looking around in wonder.

"all of our decorations are made by the nation," the maid replied, "our nations prides itself in rich culture,"

astrid nodded and the maid helped change into the same robe as everyone else ── except hers seemed much more intricate and luxurious. the gown was deep purple, intricately embroidered with gold thread as orchids, chrysanthemums, and cranes and peacocks. After she changed into the dress, the maid helped her put on a headdress decorated with precious jewels that looked like a crown. then the maid put makeup on her face and helped her into the heels she had seen earlier.

"now, you will go see the king and queen ── you must greet them in a very particular manner," the maid began to explain how to greet them before astrid was led into the main throne room. the king and queen, dressed most impeccably were staring her down, all around them, dragons and phoenixes decorated the room

astrid went on her knees then went into a bow, "i greet his majesty the king," she said, before rising from the bow but still staying on her knees before she turned to the queen, she bowed again, got back up and then raised her hand into a salute for three times, "i greet her majesty the queen," she added before finally standing up and looking the king and queen in the eye.

"you're a quick learner," the queen smiled, "and you look very beautiful in our attire ── please, have a seat,"

astrid nodded and took a seat on the right side, "the reason i came was to discuss some business with your majesties," she began, "there is a rumor that you are selling all of the land surrounding your kingdom,"

the king chuckled and got up, "come with me, dear girl ── this is a private matter," he said as astrid nodded and got up before following the king out of the throne room and followed him to his study.

as she was seated opposite the king and was handed a cup of tea, "i am willing to sell my entire nation to you," astrid choked on her tea and covered her mouth with her handkerchief. she was having a hard time adjusting with the gold nailguards that decorated her pinky and ring finger.

"i beg your pardon, your majesty?" she asked, setting her tea to the side.

the king chuckled, "did i surprise you?" astrid nodded and the king laughed, "my kingdom is secretly the vastest and most resourceful lands out of all the kingdoms and empires. but, i am a cursed man," he sighed


"very cursed── i have four daughters and one son," astrid nodded, trying to comprehend what the king was saying, "But my son is weak in health, though he is knowledgeable, a king must be able to be smart and physically strong, my son not in shape to rule a kingdom and my four daughters are vain and will destroy my kingdom if ever came to power. i will abdicate in favor of handing all power to you── but i have two request,"


"when you are made empress regent, you will marry off my four daughters and you will take my son in as one of your consorts."

astrid choked on her tea, "consort?!"

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