𝟎𝟏𝟗. taking things back.

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             ASTRID WAS TOO BUSY, she had not stepped out of her palace of pearls in weeks, but she had known a few things happening around the palace. like how an abortion drug was laced into rashta's food, how she had been taking high society ettiquet classes, and how the emperor plans to divorce the empress. 

"what?!" she exclaimed, his majesty's marquess, flung himself into a low bow out of fear, "that idiot!" astrid screamed, and in a fit of anger, knocking everything off of her table, she could hear the sound of things breaking which only angered her more, "get lost... NOW!" the marquess scarmbled to get away. 

astrid sunk into her seat and rubbed her temples. duchess kalliste entered and gasped, "your imperial highness?"

"get all the nobles to assemble," she said, kalliste curtsied and hurried away but before the duchess could leave, astrid continued, "and get that smug asshole of a duke here, now,"

── duke ergi was confused when duchess kalliste and two guards arrived at his door. "duke ergi," duchess kalliste began, "please follow us. if you don't obliege, i have no choice but to force you,"

duke ergi nodded, smirking he followed the duchess over to the palace of pearl and was lead into the study. he was surprised to see the princess in a frazzled and hysterical state with things broken on the floor and the princess had bloodshot eyes. "your imperial highness," he said, not bothering to tease her or anything. 

"thank you for coming so quickly," she nodded, "sit,"

the duke obliged, "why may i ask have you called for me?"

"tell me, now, ergi. and you know i have no patients. ─ is prince─no, king heinrey in love with my sister-in-law?"

the duke snickered, "you're very blunt, your imperial highness," he remarked, "but yes, the king is hopelessly in love with her,"

to his surprise, astrid grinned, "great! tell him when you can, that i give him my blessing to wed her," 

"why may i ask─?"

astrid smirked, "because i finally plan to take back what's rightfully mine," she smirked, placing both her hands under her chin, "and i don't want anything to hold me back. and that includes my sister in law,"

the duke nodded and got up before bowing and leaving. duchess kalliste returned, "your imperial highness, the nobles are waiting for you,"

astrid nodded and got up, "lead the way, duchess," 

── the round table, everyone seemed so joyful around it. astrid got up and spoke, "you all look execptionally radiant today," she noted

"we came as soon as we heard, yourm imperial highness," duchess  valois spoke

"i suppose you won't be calling me your imperial highness for much longer," astrid sighed, "as soon i will adressed as your majesty," 

the room began to celebrate crazily, everyone began to hug each other and cry tears of joy while reyna watched in amusement. "settle down, settle down," she said, "we have business to discuss," she waited as the room fell silent before she began to speak again, "the first things that will be discussed is how to get rid of the emperor,"

the grand duke rylan spoke up first, "we must first destroy his reputation while helping your imperial highness's reputation blossom," 

"then, i want you to spread this," she spoke, "i want you to spread rumors that the emperor is slowly going mad. he's irrational because of rashta. the princess should be on the throne, but she cares too much for her brother," everyone bowed, "and then i want you to prepare yourselves," 


"the emperor will be calling an emergency meeting. he is divorcing the empress," astrid admitted as the room fell into a shocked silence. 


"as upsetting as it sounds, it will be benefical to me," astrid sighed, "it will only prove that i am right about the emperor going mad... i mean, who would replace the perfect empress for some trash on the street?" the nobles murmured in agreement, "spread it, then i will discuss the next steps to reclaiming my throne," astrid ordered and the meeting was adjourned. 

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