𝟎𝟐𝟖. the trip to the western kingdom.

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                  IN THE EASTERN EMPIRE, the princesses margaret, annelise, alexandra, and antoinette prepared to leave for the western kingdom. theodore would stay in the eastern empire because of the long travels. "are we really to share a carriage with the vulger empress?" margo wondered, using the nickname she had come up with for rashta. the sun was still unseen but dawn was fast approaching. 

"i suppose so, yes," alix shrugged, "the fool wants the miss to make friends with us."

annelise frowned, "after what she did to that poor maid... delice was her name. i don't want to even speak to her, nor look in her direction."

"indeed," antoinette said urgently, "but all i can think about is the western kingdom, is it as truly beautiful as i heard?"

"it is," piped another voice. astrid was leaning against the doorframe with theodore by her side. "gorgeous, the western kingdom. even you'll be amazed." her mind lingered on kosair who left for the western kingdom a few months ago. "i tried to get sovieshu to change his mind about having you princesses sit with rashta but he's dead set. he thinks all of you may set a better example for rashta."

margaret rolled her eyes. "lovely, now i have to sit next to trash for the next day or two."

"hurry now, we depart in a few hours," astrid snorted. she turned to theodore, "let's let them have a few moments."

theodore nodded and the two of them left the princesses quarters. they spent their last few moments together walking along the gardens of the palace of pearls. "i shall miss you when you are gone," theodore announced suddenly. 

"i shall miss you too, teddy."

the sun was now peeking out in the horizon. astrid hurried back to her quarters and ordered the servants to carry them out onto the front terrace, and when she arrived there, her horse was already prepared and the imperial carriage was waiting out front. 

sovieshu was in his own carriage, rashta in another, clutching her swollen belly. the four princesses arrived with their own servants carrying their trunks, margaret rolled her eyes at the sight of rashta and begrudgingly went to sit next to rashta. antoinette and alexandra sat opposite of margaret and rashta. 

"oh dear, is there not enough space for me?" annelise frowned, noticing the cramped space. 

"princess annelise, you can share the carriage with me," sovieshu offered kindly, poking his head out of the carriage. 

annelise went peony, "oh, your maesjety,  i don't dare, should i tell her majesty to join you?"

"no," sovieshu said immediately, "please, i insist."

annelise looked to astrid who nodded, "i shall join you whenever i am sick of my horse." reluctantly, annelise joined sovieshu's carriage, receiving a dirty look from rashta. 

let the trip commence. 

astrid was perhaps the only one who went through the trip without bother. 

in the ladies' carriage, the atmosphere was icy and thick, one could cut through it with a dagger. rashta held a haughty face, not engaging with the princesses as they chatted amongst themselves. why did te emperor stick her into the same carriage as the princesses? she was the empress! and furthermore, why was one of the princesses sitting with the emperor? was she soon going to be appointed his mistress? rashta let out a frustrated sigh which startled the three princesses. 

"were we too loud, majesty?" margaret asked coldly, raising an eyebrow. 

rashta jumped at her tone of voice, "no, princess. i simply had lots on my mind."

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