𝟎𝟏𝟑. advice and more palace gossip.

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             IT WAS EVENING TIME. after work, odessa delivered to her the news that rashta was safe. the lady-in-waiting also added that sovieshu gave rashta a large armchair as a gift. astrid sat in front of her desk and smiled as calmly as possible, but the other ladies-in-waiting stopped playing chess and flocked to her side for more gossip. it turned out that rashta wasn't the only news of the day. "duchess tuania has decided to divorce the duke. they couldn't agree on anything, however, so they went to court over property division."

"viscount landre was exiled yesterday, your imperial highness."

But the most unexpected news was not even about them.

"your imperial highness, what do you think of viscount lotteshu? the man who claimed rashta was a slave."

rashta's old master... while the topic of him was long buried, astrid wasn't ignorant of him. But why suddenly bring him up now? The lady-in-waiting leaned in and whispered to the group.

"i heard that viscount lotteshu wants to move to the capital city. he's looking for a house near the palace."

as soon as astrid heard those words, her mind turned to rashta. although sovieshu had forced viscount lotteshu to renounce his claim that rashta was his slave, their past relationship would never be gone. viscount lotteshu had even gone around manipulating information about duchess tuania for rashta. and now he was moving near the palace? is rashta being blackmailed?

as she stewed over this information, odessa cut in with her own gossip. "i heard that he's not only looking for a house, but a nanny as well. does he have a baby at home?"

astrid didn't want to say this out loud, but... she didn't want to get involved, even if rashta was being threatened. she'll only focus on herself. it would be difficult if she asked sovieshu for help, but she was not astrid's job.

── "your imperial highness, his majesty wishes to see you," a butler told her, astrid frowned ── she had a big meeting with the empress and grand duke kaufman tomorrow about the trade deal. 

she sighed, "let him in,"

the doors opened and sovieshu ─ tired and worn out came in. he bowed to her, "greeting's imperial sister,"

she nodded, "no need for formalities, sovieshu ─ sit,"

he obliged and the pair of siblings stayed silent for a moment, but then sovieshu spoke up again, "i have to ask for your advice, sister," he said

astrid looked at him in surprise, "oh? you don't seem to value my judgment that much anymore, but go ahead, ask away,"

"sister, do you think i'm turning out to be like father?" astrid looked up in surprise, but sovieshu continued, "i─ i can see that i am turning out to be like father. you don't need to answer,"

astrid raised an eyebrow, "tell me brother, what makes you like our father? is it because you have a mistress now?" sovieshu stayed silent, "you have always resented our father for favoring other women ─ but now do you understand why he did it? you seem to only care for rashta nowadays,"

"i came here for advice, not for you to insult me,"

"i wasn't insulting you, i was merely telling you my observations,"

sovieshu stayed silent, "what do you think of rashta?"

astrid shrugged, "certainly pleasing for the eyes ─ but i think you underestimate her a little too much,"

"what do you mean, sister?"

"sovieshu, i know rashta can seem like a sweet angel, but no adult can be that innocent. i think she's much more capable than you think. you mustn't underestimate her, nor should you give her too much power. she seems like the type to get easily drunk on power," sovieshu stayed in stubborn silence and astrid sighed in defeat, "it looks like you came seeking my advice but you don't plan to actually listen,"

sovieshu perked up and bowed his head, "i'm sorry sister ─ but today, the empress had threatened me if i had not let viscount landre go into exile instead of execution,"

"how did the empress threaten you?"

"she─ she said that if i deal with the viscount to cruelly, she'll deal with rashta,"

"what did rashta do?"

sovieshu said nothing but handed her a document. she skimmed over and had to hold back a smirk ─ everything had gone exactly as she had guessed. "i think both of you had reasons to do what you both did," she stated, she noticed the look on her brother's face and shrugged, "you did it to protect your lover and the empress did it to help her friend ─ i don't see why you're so upset about this matter,"

"i just find it cruel that the empress didn't take into account rashta's─"

"rashta's what? how pitiable she is? ─ rashta has done just as cruel things as what you claim navier to do. she had destroyed duchess tuania's reputation and marriage. rashta is not also completely innocent," astrid argued, cutting her brother off as he stayed silent, stubborn and unwanting to hear the mean things she had to say about his lover. astrid sighed, "if you don't want to hear the cruel truth then leave,"

he did leave.  

𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆
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men of the harem fic.
go check it out rn!!

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