𝟎𝟑𝟎. the reception

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                              THE RECEPTION HALL WAS BUSTLING. dressed to impress in a red dress, astrid and kosair continued to whisper to one another until rashta approached the empress, "congratulations on your wedding, big sister." astrid and kosair glared at rashta, everyone in the room turned their attention to the two impresses. navier only smiled graciously, "empress rashta." rashta clapped her hands together, a crude smile forming on her pale face, "if you may recall, you refused to think of me as your sister in the past because i was a lowly mistress, but now that we're both empresses, and i've also discovered my own noble lineage, i hope i'm now good enough for you to treat as a sister."

astrid scoffed, it was never because you were of low status, it was because you fucked her husband. you stupid fucking idiot.  oh rashta, sweet foolish rashta, with a inferiority complex greater than the fucking nation itself. 

"is this a showdown between two people who were once rivals in love?"

"i heard that empress rahsta claimed her stomach was in pain after they danced together during her own reception."

"i wonder what they will talk about today."

navier only shrugged, "my answer remains the same as the response i gave you back then. you can try to be a good sister to sovieshu's new mistress when he takes one."

rashta flinched, "what? a-are you suggesting his majesty would be unfaithful to me?" 

navier replied, "i won't comment on the state of your marriage."

"ha! well, that's understandable, of course you'd be pre-occupied with your own issues such as your infertility."

miss mastas, navier's new lady-in-waiting was ready to impale the empress with a spear, astrid and kosair glanced at one another, silently agreeing to what they were about to do. "did you bring that up because you're well versed in such matters?" kosair questioned as they approached navier and rashta, arm in arm. 

rashta turned around, "well versed? what do you mean?"

"i only meant that you must be knowledgeable in the topid of pregnancy since you are carrying a child. what else could i have meant? unless this is something you've already gone through?"

rashta flinched, "you're remark seems pointed."

"pointed?" astrid frowned, "if lord kosair's remark seems pointed, how would you describe your claims of her majesty's infertility? cutting? barbed?"

"i was not being cutting or barbed, princess!" rashta snapped, retreating as astrid moved closer, "i have no idea what you're talking about!"

astrid sighed, "i suppose you are right. but do treat carefully, because an important document recently came into my possession with your pretty little name on it."


"yes. a document."

rashta staggered as astrid rolled her eyes, turning to her guards, "the empress is unwell. escort her out of here. before she makes my eyes ache."

the guards nodded and grabbed rashta's arms, "i can walk on my own!" rashta snapped, rushing out of the hall. 

the next day, astrid was wondering around alone, her purple dress billowing in the wind, astrid glanced around at the western empire's palace. she was no stranger to the palace and when she turned a corner, she jumped as she and grand duke kaufman bumped into one another. "grand duke," she nodded. "princess," he bowed. astrid nodded, "navier informs me that you plan on establishing-"

"oh my," chimed in another voice, cutting astrid off, "goodmorning to you, grand duke, and imperial sister-in-law." rashta approached them grinning in a red dress. rashta ingored astrid and turned to the grand duke, "were you able to get back to your chambers without any problem last night?" the grand duke frowned, "my shawl..." rashta beamed, "ah yes, i have it. it kept me warm last night-" astrid snorted, "--and that is my sign to leave--"

"please give it back," the grand duke said. "pardon?" rashta asked, the grand duke stared at her coldly as rashta turned around and hurriedly disappeared. "what was that about?" astrid frowned, the grand duke shook his head, "nothing, i shall get going." he turned and left, leaving astrid completely mystified about everything that had just transcended. 

finally, the festivities had ended and astrid prepared for her journey home. suddenly, two maids entered, they bowed, "her majesty the empress wishes to speak you, your imperial highness." astrid perked up, "which empress, the western empire or eastern empire?"

"empress navier, your imperial highness," the maids said. "oh, let her in, then," astrid nodded as the doors opened and navier came waltzing in. astrid beamed and the two women hugged one another. "i wish i could be here with you," astrid murmured, "help you settle into the empire."

navier smiled and shook her head, "you must return home, take care of my parents and the people. you must try to help sovieshu, alright?" astrid was amazed, that even after everything that had transpired, the hell navier was put through, at the end of the day, navier loved the people of the eastern empire and a part of her still cared for sovieshu. 

"i must leave now, navi. and i have one piece of advice for you," astrid leaned in closer to navier, "get rid of krista. no. matter. what." astrid turned around and called the guards in who gathered her trunks and items before marching out of the room, with astrid in the lead. 

as they were making their way to the front where all the carriages were, kosair approached them. "are you leaving?" he asked. astrid nodded, "will you come with me?" she asked. kosair shook his head, "i will stay here to accompany navier. i hear that the bandits have resurfaced. only this time in the western empire, hopefully i can offer the emperor and my sister some assistance."

astrid nodded, "that's good," she murmured, kosair scooped her into a hug. "i will miss you," he whispered, astrid hugged him tighter, "so will i."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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